Mark Allan Taylor
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Allen Park, Michigan
July 24, 1950 to January 22, 1969
MARK A TAYLOR is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 62
See the full profile or name rubbing for Mark Taylor

Combat Action Ribbon

16 Apr 2007


by a buddy,
Jack O'Brien

03 May 2007

I was with the patrol that day and all three Marines were with A Company 1st Bn 3rd Marines. The Battalion was on Operation Taylor Common in Base Area 112 west of Da Nang. The action took place at a NVA base camp, not a hamlet. In the days after the deaths the Company returned to the base camp and ambushed and killed 15-20 NVA.

From the FO assigned to A Company, 1st Bn, 3rd Marines.
E-mail address is not available.

23 May 2007

I was there.

From a friend,
David V. Cole


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 22 Jan 1969 the 1st Bn, 3rd Marines were conducting search and destroy operations in the mountains south-southwest of Ha Tin. At 1430 a CH-46 helo was forced down by mechanical problems and one platoon of Alpha 1/3 was detached to provide security for the helo. The Marines received fire from a nearby hamlet. After forcing the enemy out of the hamlet they proceeded to capture a nearby bit of high ground. After the CH-46 was lifted out, the security platoon was joined on the hilltop by a second Alpha 1/3 platoon, and the two platoons established a night position. The day's engagements cost the lives of three Marines:
  • Pfc William D. Farrell, Le Claire, IA
  • Pfc William L. St John, Oakdale, CT
  • Pfc Mark A. Taylor, Allen Park, MI

From the 1/3 Command Chronology for Jan 1969

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