Larry Gene Taylor
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
El Cajon, California
June 13, 1949 to August 31, 1970
LARRY G TAYLOR is on the Wall at Panel W7, Line 29
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Taylor

Larry G Taylor
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24 Jan 2005

I knew Larry as "Frito the Bandito". He had that nickname because of his long mustache like the TV character. I spent thirty-four years trying to find out what his "real" name was, because all I knew him by was Frito from California. Through time spent on the internet and research at the library I narrowed the search to a date and state. Next I went to our home page for 196th and seached names and dates for persons from Company A with a MOS 11B10 who were from California and were Killed in Action. After that I went to a site that also tells about casualties and there was a posting from someone else who told of himself and a soldier named Frito. That person was our squad leader, "sergeant". Later I found on this same site a memorial from a student in Frito's high school in El Cajon. I have been to the Wall in Washington and have a rubbing of his name. It hangs on my wall to remember him and his sacrifice. Frito, thanks for being a friend for the time we spent together. Finding this information and the things I read by others about this fellow named Larry, "Frito", to me was another step in making it home again.

Jerry Skeel
Vietnam 1970-1971

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196th Infantry Brigade

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