Carlos Leroy Tartt
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Amory, Mississippi
October 11, 1949 to March 11, 1969
CARLOS L TARTT is on the Wall at Panel W29, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Carlos Tartt


03 May 2005

Gone but not forgotten

by a friend,
Jim McNeal

21 Jun 2006

He was my cousin and a fine soldier at that. He was young, and was doing what he was told to by his country. I remember the day that he we were told that he was missing in action and my mother was told. She loved "Bo" as he was called. I just want to say that as a career soldier myself, I know what it is like to lose someone and a fellow soldier. I know he is with us in spirit even after all these years.

Randy Lyle
27436 Jarrod Blvd, Harvest, Al. 35749


A Note from The Virtual Wall

At about 2:30 PM, 11 March 1969, a platoon from C Company, 3/12 Infantry, was ambushed while patrolling in the area of a friendly air strike. The ambush led to a larger fight as other elements from 3/12 were inserted to assist the platoon. Thirteen soldiers died in the action, which occurred about 25 kilometers west of Kontum City:
  • B Company:
    • SFC Milfred H. Dingman, Ottawa, IL (Dist Svc Cross)
    • SGT William H. Barksdale, Fyffe, AL
    • SP4 Terrell T. Ham, Florence, SC
    • SP4 Vincent G. Lew, Sacramento, CA
    • SP4 John R. Weir, Norwalk, CA
    • PFC John F. Morris, Sacramento, CA

  • C Company:
    • SGT Wayne A. Bratz, Valders, WI
    • SGT Joseph A. Lewis, Manteca, CA
    • SGT Jean D. Martin, Harrison, AR
    • SP4 Carlos L. Tartt, Amory, MS
    • PFC Edward T. Cooper, Cedar Rapids, IA
    • PFC Samuel L. Holder, Wister, OK
    • PFC Howard G. Webster, Riverside, CA

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