Scott Neal Stanton
Army of the United States
Sherman Oaks, California
May 26, 1948 to September 08, 1969
(Incident Date September 04, 1969)
SCOTT N STANTON is on the Wall at Panel W18, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for Scott Stanton

Scott N Stanton
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The 1930 Census has the Klearman Family listed as living in New York, sometime between 1935 & 1940 they moved to Los Angeles. In 1940, the census had the Klearman Family as listed as living on Satsuma Ave, Los Angeles with David Klearman 35, Gertrude 33, Florence 14, and Erwin 10.

In 1948, at age 23, Florence joins the Los Angeles Police Department. Before joining the Los Angeles Police Department she had been employed as a model and as a gymnasium instructor and was convinced that she could defend herself against any kind of attack. Also in 1948, her son Scott Neal was born.

In 1952, Florence marries her first husband Jack Coberly on February 11th in Los Angeles. A Los Angeles Police Department memo dated January 30. 1953, announced, in part: "The 77th Street Police Division, during the months of May, June and July, 1952, was faced with the problem of apprehending the perpetrator of numerous crimes against women. More than 25 women had been molested during this period, and also numerous purse snatchings had been reported.

"Numerous detectives and plainclothes officers were assigned for the purpose of this apprehension. In addition to the detectives and plainclothes officers, a number of policemen were also asked to assist. On July 30, 1952, Policewoman Florence Coberly was the decoy in the capture of the serial rapist. She was named Policewomen of the Year for 1952.

Scott's mother, Florence Coberly Stanton Gist

June 18, 1957, Florence Coberly married David V. Stanton in Nevada. David was an LAPD Sergeant (both below).

Florence and David V Stanton

January 1968. From several articles in the Van Nuys News, Gertrude "Trudy" Klearman, Scotts grandmother, was noted for her volunteer work as part of Presbyterian Hospital services to families. Mrs Klearman an independent volunteer, had volunteered over 2000 hours of her time from 1958 to 1968.

Sergeant Scott Neal Stanton began his first tour in Vietnam in late March or early April 1968. Nearing completion of that tour, he extended an additional 6 months because he felt the inexperienced men in his unit needed his help. He officially started his sixth month extension on March 24, 1969 and was within 20 days of completing his tour and heading home when he was wounded.

Scott N Stanton in flight

The Vietnam Helicopter Pilot's Association (VHPA) believes the OH-6A, tail number 67-16619 was the one in which Scotty was injured. The following narrative was prepared as directed by Bruce E. Carlson, Red 14. Bruce felt that Scotty was a dear friend and Bruce was flying the LOH on the day Scotty was wounded. According to Bruce, "under Scotty's guidance, we became one of the best aeroscouting teams in Vietnam."

Carlson states that this was a standard Scout team leader ship with a three-man crew. Scotty was flying in the rear as Observer. Bruce and the Crew Chief were flying in the front.

The mission that day was to conduct a visual recon near Flurry Hill. On their first pass, they didn't see much. As they relieved the second team, those Scouts told Bruce that they had heard a series of single shots possibly from the famous 'One Shot Charlie' but had not been able to get a fix on him. Bruce and his crew decided they would try to flush out ole 'one-shot' and for the next few minutes conducted an active recon to locate him.

Finally, Scotty yelled over the intercom that he had heard him again but couldn't identify his location specifically. After a few minutes, Scotty came up with an idea to swing out over the valley and come in toward a big clump of trees. At 150 feet and maybe 40 knots, they started back toward the area where Scotty thought ole 'one-shot' was hiding.

Scotty began firing his M-60 but abruptly stopped. Bruce asked over the intercom what was happening but Scotty said nothing. Bruce looked back and noticed that Scotty had pulled himself back into the LOH. Bruce called for his wing and the Snakes (Cobra helicopters) to fire up the area they had just overflown then had the CE unstrap and check on Scotty. The CE stuck his head and one shoulder past the bulkhead to check on Scotty then reported that he had been hit and was bleeding all over the place.

They would later learn that Scotty sustained a horrific wound in a leg and that a main artery was severed. As Bruce climbed for altitude, he informed Major Hahn in the Command & Control helicopter of the situation and said he wanted to fly directly to the aid station.

Major Hahn agreed and dispatched one of the Snakes, White 23, to go the ten or so miles to the aid station with Bruce. Bruce 'red-lined' the LOH to the aid station. On the way, they talk to Scotty to keep him from going into shock and instructed him to reach one hand into the wound to pinch off the artery. Because of the radio calls, the aid station was prepared when the LOH touched down.

Bruce stayed with Scotty for awhile but finally left after he could see that the medical staff was maxed out in their efforts to save Scotty. Scotty lived another five days. The aid station was able to stabilize him enough to be transported to the field hospital in Nha Trang. Apparently, even with a body cast for protection, while being transported in an USAF medevac to Japan, the artery in his leg began bleeding again and Scotty died from the loss of blood.

To say that Scotty was loved and respected by all who knew him and to say the Bruce has never gotten over Scotty's death are both serious understatements.

Scott's Army record of Emergency Contact, only listed his mother, then living on Woodley Street, Encino (Her address is verified in Senate Congressional Record, September 19, 1969, Volume 115, page 572 as part of the list of Californians who died as a result of the Vietnam war). Florence was notified of Scott's death and shotly thereafter, the following appeared in the area newspapers. Note that according to the notice, SGT Stanton was awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge while in Vietnam.

Scott N Stanton

Scott N Stanton

The notice above also mentions that Stanton was with C Troop of the 7th Battalion, 7th Cavalry. Currently, additional Army records have been ordered from the National Archives to obtain the citation for his Distinguished Service Cross and confirm he was not assigned to B Troop when injured. The son of Florence and David Stanton, Sergeant Scott Neal Stanton, is buried in Los Angeles National Cemetery.

Scott N Stanton

Florence Stanton married Thomas Alfred Gast on Valentines Day February 14, 1970. Her father, Scott's grandfather, David Klearman passes away on May 10, 1970 at the age of 62. It is unknown where he is buried.

In 1995, Florence's address is listed as Matula Drive, Tarzana, California while Mr. Gast's address was listed as 29th Ave Spokane, Washington. Florence had moved in with her mother and was taking care of her when Florence passed away April 18, 1996, at age 71.

After Scott's mother died, Gertrude "Trudy" Klearman was taken care of by Crystal Plimbley, a waitress at a Tarzana deli. She eventually became the owner and on March 23, 2002, she was honored by LAPD for keeping a promise to look after one of their own and a deceased friend's elderly mother. Scott's grandmother passed away November 11, 2005 at age 99. It is unknown at this time where Florence and Gertrude are buried.

In 2008, Florence's brother, Scott's only Uncle, Erwin "Bud" Klearman passed away on October 19 when he was 78. He had been married early in his life but it is unknown if he had any children as his body was unclaimed at time of death. He served in the US Army, as a Private, E2, in Korea. He is buried in Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside County, California.

- - The Virtual Wall, July 25, 2014

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