Joseph Frank Spinnicchia
Army of the United States
St Louis, Missouri
February 15, 1947 to April 10, 1969
JOSEPH F SPINNICCHIA is on the Wall at Panel W27, Line 52
See the full profile or name rubbing for Joseph Spinnicchia

Joseph F Spinnicchia
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5 Nov 2002

Although we personally never met, I went to school with your brother Ben. You also knew my wife Carole Jackson. I just wanted to say "God Bless you" as I am a fellow Vietnam vet.

From a friend of his brother,
Frank S. Giaimo

30 Dec 2002

I attended Southwest High School in St Louis with
Joe. Joe was liked by everyone. When the principal
closed the student smoking area, Joe led the
successful petition drive to have it restored.
He wasn't intimidated by the faculty as so many
of us were. Had he lived I think he could have
had a successful political career. Many of my friends
along with me eventually ended up in Viet Nam but
Joe was the only one of my high school friends
who didn't make it home.

From a friend,
Barry Munsell
St Louis, MO

1 May 2004

Thank you, Cousin Joey, for serving our country and thanks to all who remember those who served. God Bless.

From a cousin,
Elizabeth Parisi Powell

20 Sep 2004

Joe, I finally found you. You wanted to be a grunt and you died a grunt. It was an honor to have known you.

From a brother grunt,
Tony "New York" Acconcia

27 Sep 2004

Joe, you're family I never knew I had. Airborne ... all the way!

SGT Jason A. Spinnicchia
Medic, 82d Airborne Division

7 Oct 2004

Big Cousin Joey,

I remember all the good times when we were kids. The family get togethers on Marconi street. I will always look up to you as a source of strength and courage.

You went way too fast Joey, and are deeply missed.

From a cousin,
Al Parisi Jr

3 Jan 2005


An honor to hang with you while we were trying to grow up in St. Louis.

I will never forget my time I had with you as members of the Joker's Club on the Hill. You were a true advocate of the "underdog" and saved me from getting my %$$#!! kicked so many times.

You were "the mayor" of Southwest High, and could talk your way in ... or out ... of anything! ha!

Always upbeat ... always there for your family, friends, and anyone else who needed help ... you had NO enemies ... thank you for defending our country.

Peace, Bro...

From his best friend,

15 Dec 2005


Everyone always liked you. You were very easy to like, fun to be around with an upbeat spirit and a jovial sense about you that was contagious. So vibrant, laughter and good times would abound in your company. I can not believe that the aura which was you in life does not surround you in the after life.

Joey, given a few words to describe you, what could I say? "Joey, you were truly a happening at all times, a party waiting to happen and explode on the scene at any given moment."

Another of your traits which was impressive was your ability to gladly work very hard. You worked hard and you played hard.

I will never forget the apartment on Patterson above Waeser's when we filled the trash cans with water on the third floor, positioned them at the top of the closed hallway stairs and tied them to the door handle at the entry on street level. What a stroke of genius - truly a classic prank. Bravo! I still laugh when I think about it today, some 30+ year latter.

If you were here with us today you would be very wealthy, you would have been a successful salesperson with plenty of commissions in the bank.

All of your friends envision you dancing and serving as master of ceremonies at the festivities on the other side. Dance on dear friend, party on.

We miss you.

From a friend,
Steve Oldani
E-mail address is not available.

05 Jun 2006


Just found this The Virtual Wall in memory of you and all who served in the Vietnam War. I am touched beyond words to have read the kind words from family and friends. I have never met anyone like you; you were truly ONE-OF-A-KIND. I remember how you would simply get up from the dinner table and start dancing and impersonating Elvis in your spontaneous style. I remember all "The Hill" mania caused by you and your buddies. Your spirit lives on in so many ways, and the mention of your name starts a chain reaction of laughter. Those who knew you know exactly what I mean.

My life's journey continues without you, but you travel with me in spirit.

I miss and love you forever.


Gaetana M. Spinnicchia

04 Aug 2006

Joey could light up a room with his entrance. Momma Dorothy would smile at the sight of you. Even though your Pop was a man of a few words I always knew how much he loved all of you. You were raised in a family of love and respect. Family was everything. You had to listen or else! Items would fly and so would tempers but you could break up the house with your humor.

Yep, you broke the rules and pushed the envelope to the max but were loved by so many. You are a legend.

Your family has become mine. We speak of you often and talk about the fun times in the house on Marconi. My most favorite line to me was, "Hey Connie, you got a cigarette? I know you smoke so if you don't give me one I'll tell your Mom you smoke..." I was scared to death so I gave you whatever you wanted. I knew you wouldn't tell because that's the way you were. A tough guy on the outside because you had an image to maintain. To this day when your name is mentioned another story is told.

You will be missed until the end of time.

From a friend,
Connie M. Nicolosi (Glanz)


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 2/501st Infantry, lost four men on 10 April 1969: Although Sergeant Spinnicchia's primary MOS was food serviceman, Mr. Acconcia indicates that he was serving in his secondary MOS (infantryman) at the time of his death.

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