Estel Denny Spakes
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Harriman, Tennessee
October 10, 1936 to March 12, 1968
ESTEL D SPAKES is on the Wall at Panel 44E, Line 31
See the full profile or name rubbing for Estel Spakes


I am the widow of SFC Estel Denny Spakes. I would like to hear from anyone who knew my husband. This is a poem my mother wrote-- three months after the death of my husband.

The Green Beret

In a land so far away, a place called Viet Nam
Went a man we all loved, who wore the "Green Beret".

He left his home late in the fall, it was his choice to go
So much he did to help us all, But God said, "That's enough, come home".

Four children and a lovely wife, he has left behind,
"I love you" was his last words,
Then was swiftly flown away.

One week before he left, he felt the need of God
He was so happy that he chose, the path our Savior trod.

Five months went by, our hopes were all in vain
The one we love has lost his life, upon a battlefield.

Across the sea to Panama, there is an honored friend,
Was chosen to bring our loved one home, he, too, wore the "Green Beret".

The first glimpse of Sgt. Garner, a cry said "Oh Ken"!!
"Oh my God" -- you brought him back, seemed more than SHE could stand.

Sgt. Garner was a close friend, the news filled his heart with grief,
To comfort Ruby in this hour, she felt so much relief.

The day was cold and snowy, as he was laid to rest,
"Here is a flag", Ken said to Ruby, as shells were fired overhead.

Many eyes were filled with tears as Taps were being played
Don't ever let our young men down, who are fighting for our lives.

The "Green Beret" across our land, are very special men,
They wear their caps with so much pride, they will never let us down.

A memorial initiated by his wife,
Ruby Lea Spakes 
3 Jun 2002

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