Ronald Nicholis Sittner
United States Air Force
South Euclid, Ohio
November 20, 1937 to September 06, 1974
(Incident Date August 23, 1967)
RONALD N SITTNER is on the Wall at Panel 25E, Line 35
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Sittner

Ronald N Sittner
7thaf.gif 8tfw.gif 555tfs.gif

13 Oct 2003

You were the one who always put your arms around me in pictures when I was a little girl. The one who defended me when someone tried to harm me at 12. You were there checking out boys I dated, and when I became engaged you and your friends had a talk with my future husband.

Handsome, so very bright and witty you could keep people laughing for hours. You excelled at everything you tried. Friends were loyal to you,family adored you. Next to a husband you were the most important and loved person in my life. You willingly served your country and wrote home you wanted your sisters to raise their children in freedom.

You were my hero long before you gave your life for our country. You'll always be held in my heart and mind, dear and beloved. There'll never be enough words to say about you. I'm thankful that God gave me a brother that can be held in such high esteem and admiration. Looking forward to the day when we meet again.

Your little sister,
E-mail address is not available.

Ron Sittner, grandparents, and child
Rosamond Sittner Stidam


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 23 Aug 1967 USAF units based in Thailand conducted heavy strikes on targets in the Hanoi area. All told, there were nine flights of F-105s (36 aircraft) and four flights of F-4s (16 aircraft). The 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron provided two flights of four F-4D aircraft, "FORD" flight and "FALCON" flight.

As FORD flight approached its target at 15,000 feet, they were taken under attack by MiG-21 aircraft. In the ensuing fight, FORD ONE and FORD FOUR were hit by air-to-air missiles. Both aircraft crashed. Immediately thereafter, FALCON flight arrived in the area. Although they avoided the MiGs, two of the FALCON aircraft were hit by antiaircraft fire while making their bomb runs.

When the raid ended, three 555th TFS aircraft were down in North Vietnam and one damaged F-4 was limping toward Nakon Phanom RTAFB in Thailand. Although other aircraft in the area attempted to determine the status of the downed aircrews, they were able to establish voice contact with only one of the six men. The high-threat location precluded extended searches and there was no question of bringing in a helicopter.

The crew of the damaged F-4 was more fortunate; they got out of North Vietnam, crossed Laos, and were only about 60 miles northeast of Nakon Phanom when they were forced to leave their aircraft. Both crewmen were picked up by SAR helicopters.

The four aircraft and their respective crews were

  • FORD ONE, F-4D tail number 66-0238
        Major Charles R. Tyler, captured
        Captain Ronald N. Sittner, killed in action

  • FORD FOUR, F-4D tail number 66-0247
        Captain Larry E. Carrigan, captured
        1st Lt Charles Lane, killed in action

  • FALCON ONE, F-4D tail number 65-0726
        Major Robert R. Sawhill, captured
        1st Lt Gerald L. Gerndt, captured

  • FALCON THREE, F-4D tail number 66-0260
        Major C. B. Demarque, picked up in Thailand
        1st Lt J. M. Piet, picked up in Thailand
Within a matter of months the U.S. was able to confirm that Tyler, Carrigan, Sawhill, and Gerndt were POWs, but nothing was known about Sittner or Lane. None of the POWs repatriated in early 1973 had any knowledge of the two men.

Sittner and Lane were continued in Missing in Action status until the Secretary of the Air Force approved Presumptive Findings of Death for them - Lane in October 1973 and Sittner in September 1974.

Post-war investigations began in 1991 and led to the recovery of aircrew equipment and partial remains which were identified as belonging to Major Sittner (repatriated 1992, identified 1997). Captain Lane's remains have not been located.

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