Michael Bernard Shuman
Army of the United States
Stoughton, Massachusetts
August 01, 1946 to August 26, 1968
MICHAEL B SHUMAN is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 36
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Michael B Shuman
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29 May 2006

Michael, you are missed.
Lee Rose

From a friend.
E-mail address is not available.

26 Jul 2006

I went through Basic Training with Doc. We were best friends and helped get each other through Basic. I am in his Fort Jackson, SC "yearbook" directly under his photo. There weren't a lot of Jewish guys in our outfit, so we gravitated towards each other.

Doc wanted to fly helicopters and as I recall his game plan was to go to Fort Hood, Texas, and become a warrant officer. We had gone on sick call together one day, and he claimed he had a migraine headache. I had a bad cold.

We stayed in touch for a while. I heard he had not been able to go to flight school because of the migraine headache on his medical records and elected to go to a Non Commissioned Officer Leadership Program instead.

After that, I lost touch with Doc. But in late August or early September, while scanning the pages of the Korean edition of Stars & Stripes, I was shocked, horrified and saddened to learn that he had given his life for his country.

I cried like a baby.

Doc is actually the only person I knew in real life to be killed in Vietnam. He was such a funny, caring and wonderfully happy person.

It was almost 40 years ago that I knew him. His memory stays with me still.

God bless you, Doc. And to his family, whom I have never met, God bless you, too.

From a friend and fellow soldier, Fort Jackson Basic Training,
Steven Steinberg

21 May 2007

For almost 40 years I have asked myself "What if...?" What if he had come home, what if we had gotten married as planned, what if we had children? Where would we be today?

I loved him with all my heart and still do to this day... My questions can never be answered although in my heart I know. His memory will always be present and forever I will hold the last days we spent together as the most tender, the most passionate and the most loving days of my entire life.

He will always be #1 in my heart. I miss you every day, Michael.


Joyce Kirk


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two helicopter crewmen from "A" Company, 9th Aviation Battalion, were killed in action on 26 August 1968 ... regretably, nothing is known about the incident(s). The two were

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