David Lee Schouweiler
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 16, 1948 to September 19, 1967
DAVID L SCHOUWEILER is on the Wall at Panel 26E, Line 94
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Schouweiler

Combat Action Ribbon

23 Jun 2007

I heard the last words David ever spoke. He yelled out "Hey, I am hit". He died shortly after.

He died at Con Thien. A tough place to be in the summer and fall of 1967. If anyone who reads this knows if David has any surviving relatives in Tulsa please let me know.

From a fellow Marine,
Russ Adams
11536 Park Branch Lane, Chesterfield, Va 23838


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Operation KINGFISHER, the name given to one of the continuing efforts to block North Vietnamese Army units moving from the DMZ into eastern Quang Tri Province, ran from mid-July through October 1967. During that time, the Marines suffered 340 men killed in action and almost 1500 wounded while confirming over 1100 dead from the various NVA units engaged.

The Marine outpost at Con Thien (Hill 158), just south of the DMZ, was hit by enemy artillery firing from within and north of the DMZ throughout KINGFISHER. On 19 Sep 1967 that fire cost the lives of three Marines:

  • LCpl Robert E. Folsom, San Bruno, CA, L Co, 3rd Bn, 9th Marines
  • LCpl Barry B. Williams, Saratoga, CA, B Co, 1st AMTRAC Bn
  • Pfc David L. Schouweiler, Tulsa, OK, W Btry, 1st Bn, 12th Marines

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