William Garrett Schanck, Jr
Second Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Chepachet, Rhode Island
January 24, 1948 to June 21, 1969
WILLIAM G SCHANCK Jr is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 109
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Schanck

Combat Action Ribbon

23 Jan 1999

The Cemetery
@Copyright April 1985

My oldest brother, Garry.
He was 21, I am 11.
I'm the only girl in a family of 7.
I'm his little sister, spoiled and rotten,
but I was the apple of Garry's eyes.
He was MY HERO before he enlisted in the USMC.
I knew he was brave before he went to Viet Nam.

Caressing the flag blown by the breeze.
In my mind, loving the energy that lies beneath.
I didn't know it so well, but I do miss it
and wonder,

The Cemetery
@copyright 1985

They announced in school today, that the Viet Nam war is over.
Is it? For who?!

Loving day of bright yellow sun
look down on me again sometime.
The thundering electric sky is at my head
once again.
If you've ever felt like me
look down on me again sometime.
I looked forward to his return
from our country's mistake,
going to foreign soil
and playing doctor
for sadistic minds.
Whoa- war
Slowly- stops
Altogether- always
raindrops rain from an inevitable
sky of grey.

They announced in school today, that the Viet Nam war is over.
For who?!

From his little sister,
Mary Arvaline

3 Aug 2004

In April 1996 the University of Rhode Island dedicated a Vietnam Memorial in memory of 16 Alumni and Staff members. 2nd Lt. Schanck is honored on this memorial. The URI Vietnam Memorial is located on the lower campus outside of Mackal Fieldhouse. You will find three granite benches.

In July 2000 a new Challenge Course was dedicated at Camp Yawgoog Scout Reservation, to SCOUTS THAT SERVED THEIR COUNTRY. 2nd Lt. Garry Schanck is remembered with a repelling tower named after him.

From a friend and founder of both memorials,
Richard N. Smith
200 Shore Road, Westerly, Rhode Island 02891


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 Jun 1969 Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 165 (HMM-165) was tasked with a recon insert mission approximately 22 miles WNW of DaNang. The landing zone was prepped heavily prior to commencement of a spiral approach. The helicopter (CH-46D BuNo CH-46D 154811) was brought into a brief hover, but heavy small arms fire was received prior to anyone exiting the aircraft and the insertion was aborted. During climb-out a loud explosion occurred aft of the cockpit area. The aircraft pitched extreme nose up and rolled slowly right to a somewhat inverted position with no control input response, then crashed and burned. Although the copilot and both door gunners survived the crash, eight others died:
  • HMM-165
    • 1stLt William L. Peters, Fort Dodge, IA, pilot (Navy Cross, 12 Apr 69)
    • LCpl Paul E. Petroline, Lincoln Park, MI, crew chief

  • D Company, 1st Recon Bn
    • 2ndLt William G. Schanck, Chepachet, RI
    • LCpl Frank J. Bosco, Providence, RI
    • LCpl Richard A. Weil, Anaheim, CA
    • Pfc Arthur C. Councill, Hawthorne, CA
    • Pfc Robert L. Crites, Colton, CA
    • Pfc James O. Hall, Vista, CA

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