Johnnie Paul Sawyer
Army of the United States
Conway, South Carolina
December 02, 1936 to June 10, 1966
JOHNNIE P SAWYER is on the Wall at Panel 8E, Line 31
See the full profile or name rubbing for Johnnie Sawyer

Johnnie P Sawyer
17avngrp.gif 223cab.gif 219avnco.gif

12 Aug 2002

We graduated as 2nd Lieutenants together from OCS at Fort Benning, Georgia.

He was one of the finest candidates, and I'm sure he was a great inspiration to all of the men who served under him.

From a comrade-in-arms,
Carl Neels

25 May 2006

Always remembered by your loved ones...
widow - Sieglinde M.
son - Steven Paul
daughter - Karen Dee
Adam Sawyer
Johnathan Wyatt
Sawyer Lee

Sadly missed ... we love you.

From his daughter,
Karen Dee Sawyer Griffy Blick
Clarksville, Tennessee


A Note from The Virtual Wall

According to the casualty database, Captain Sawyer died in a non-combat loss on 10 June 1966. The 219th Aviation Company History for the period 25 March 1965 to 31 December 1966 does not address the circumstances of his loss, but the third page of the document is blank except for the words


1Lt Charles Getman and 1Lt Johnnie P. Sawyer, who made
the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Lt Getman died
on 19 July 1966, and Lt Sawyer on 10 June 1966.

The 219th flew the O-1D light observation aircraft. The Virtual Wall has not been able to determine the aircraft side number or the location of the crash.

A second soldier, PFC Peter D. Geoghegan (181st MI Detachment, 101st Abn Div) of Mineola, New York, was killed under identical circumstances on 10 June. Although The Virtual Wall cannot document it as fact, it seems likely that PFC Geoghegan was flying as Captain Sawyer's observer.

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