Robert Louis Sandner
United States Air Force
Clearwater, Florida
February 05, 1936 to June 07, 1966
ROBERT L SANDNER is on the Wall at Panel 8E, Line 18
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Sandner

Robert L Sandner
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14 Feb 2005

I was in Nha Trang preparing to come home when I heard of your death. I cried then, and got drunk that night. Your wife said you would have wanted it that way. You have been on my mind for the last 38 years now. I can rest my mind now, knowing that you rest in peace at home, a fact I just learned from these memorial pages.

From a friend and fellow pilot,
Dick McManigell

7 Mar 2005

Captain Sandner is remembered on the
Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial
in Midland, Texas.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

10 Oct 2006

Bob was brought home in 1996. It gave us peace and he is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Anyone who is interested can contact me at the listed e-mail address.

From his wife,
Joyce Sandner Limbird


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Captain Sandner was flying A-1E tail number 52-132449 when his aircraft was hit by enemy antiaircraft fire while attacking enemy positions west of Pleiku City. He had insufficient altitude to bail out of the aircraft before ground impact and was killed in the crash.

His remains were repatriated on Sunday, 07 May 1995, with positive identification announced on Monday, 12 Feb 1996.

The A-1 Skyraider was a Navy-developed aircraft designed during World War II. Although it entered Fleet service too late to see service in WW2, it performed very well indeed in Korea and was still in service at the beginning of Vietnam. The Air Force recognized its utility as a ground attack aircraft and in the early 1960s borrowed a number of aircraft from the Navy. Between 1964 and 1973 nearly 1000 USAF pilots went through A-1 training at Eglin Air Force Base's Aux Field #9 (Hurlburt Field).


The photo above is for A-1 Class "Express 18" and is courtesy of the Skyraider Association. The three men marked with numbers were killed in action within two days of one another:
  • #1, Capt Robert I. Bush, 602nd Fighter Squadron, A-1E 52-133899, 09 Jun 1966
  • #2, Capt Robert L. Sandner, 07 Jun 1966
  • #3, Capt Theodore J. Shorack, 602nd Fighter Squadron, A-1E 52-133869, 09 Jun 1966
Captains Bush and Shorack were conducting a mission in southern North Vietnam when both went down, reportedly as the result of a mid-air collision between the two aircraft.

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