George Bernard Rusnak
B TRP, 1ST SQDN, 9TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV Army of the United States Philipsburg, Pennsylvania September 30, 1937 to March 22, 1967 GEORGE B RUSNAK is on the Wall at Panel 17E, Line 24 See the full profile or name rubbing for George Rusnak |
George Rusnak lived on Coal Street, about one hundred yards from me in Osceola Mills, PA during the 1950's. He and I were very good friends until he moved, with his family, just outside of Philipsburg, PA and finished high school at Philipsburg. Several of my classmates and I joined the Navy reserve, for something to do, and I asked George to join with me. His Father had been in the Army during WWII and I don't think he wanted George to join the military - that's just an assumption on my part. My friends and I served our time in the Navy and George got drafted, went to OCS, he was very intelligent, and became an officer and helicopter pilot. George was killed in action in Binh Dinh Province, Republic of South Vietnam on March 22, 1967. To me, George was a hero and I still think of him and I promise him that, as long as I'm alive, he and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.
From a friend, |
A Note from The Virtual WallFour men from B Troop, 1/9th Cavalry were killed when UH-1B tail number 64-14080 was shot down 15 kilometers north of Bong Son:
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