Glen Everett Rountree
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Williamsburg, Kentucky
September 04, 1941 to January 13, 1969
GLEN E ROUNTREE is on the Wall at Panel W35, Line 84
See the full profile or name rubbing for Glen Rountree

Glen E Rountree
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"This picture was given to me by the Mayor of Glencoe, Alabama where Glen is buried. Glen's brother brought the picture to the Mayor who scanned and emailed to me at my request. I served with Glen in the 319th Artillery/173rd Ariborne. I am the Treasurer of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Association and recently wrote an article about Glen in our quarterly Sky Soldier Magazine."

"Our organization has a project underway to find a picture of all the 173rd's KIAs from Vietnam."

-- Roger D. Conley, 173rd Airborne Brigade Association (, 08/29/2012

Further contact with Roger allows The Virtual Wall to use his article in the Summer issue of Sky Soldier. Doing the article helped him find Glen's photo. He was contacted by Dennis Sullivan from NW Illinois who served with Roger in H & S Battery 3/319th along with Charles Gillcrest, Mayor of Glencoe, AL. The three of them shared a desire to find Glen's grave and were looking in Kentucky where he was raised. Little did they know Glen's family had moved to Glencoe while he was serving in Vietnam and that's where the family had the body sent. Glen's brother had lived two miles from Charles house all these years and they by chance met due to David Rountree being a roofer, he worked on Charles house one day and for some reason Charles asked David if he knew a Glen Rountree. He was very shocked to find out David was Glen's brother. Both Dennis and Charles made a visit to Glen's parents home and were directed to the cemetery where Glen was buried.

The official Army Military Casualty in Vietnam report states simply that "Individual died from wounds received while passenger on military vehicle on combat operation when engage hostile force in firefight. Individual was admitted to a military hospital, then evacuated to Japan where he later expired."

As a result of the 29 December 1968 ambush by an unknown size enemy force, and his heroic attempt to fight them off, SSG Rountree was awarded the Silver Star. Below are the orders describing events.

Killed in the initial contact was PFC William Leroy Brown, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.


Roger's article about Glen below or read it at the 173rd Airborne Association website, 2012 Summer Edition of Sky Soldier, Volume 28, Number 2.


-- The Virtual Wall, 10/10/2012

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