Edward Joseph Rog, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Chicago, Illinois
May 12, 1951 to April 03, 1971
EDWARD J ROG Jr is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 104
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edward Rog


25 Jul 1998

Ed and I grew up together and were the best of friends. Ed enlisted in the Army and went to school to become a Medic and a Paratrooper with the 173d Airborne Brigade. Here is the text of the letter from the Department of the Army, Headquarters 173d Airborne Brigade, APO San Francisco 96250.

This letter was dated 7 May 1971.

At 0730 hours on 3 April 1971, SP4 Rog's unit (Company D, 4th Battalion, 503d Infantry) encountered an estimated company of dug-in NVA. Their point element sprung a "U"-shaped ambush, in which two claymore mines were detonated, followed up by machine gun and small arms fire. SP4 Rog responded to calls for aid, going forward to care for the wounded. He was wounded in the arm at this time. He bandaged his own wound and moved on to aid another wounded man. After helping the wounded man to safety, SP4 Rog returned to the ambush site, sustaining a second wound, again bandaging it himself. SP4 Rog was mortally wounded by enemy fire while crossing a large, open bomb crater on the way to aiding another wounded man.

The fatal wounds sustained by SP4 Rog were the result of intense enemy machine gun and small arms fire. The severity of his wounds, which brought death quickly, necessitated the closed casket. It was kept sealed out of consideration for the feelings of the members of SP4 Rog's family.

This battle occurred in II Military Region, approximately thirty miles northwest of Qui Nhon in the Soui Ca Valley, ten miles inland from the South China Sea.

SP4 Rog's promotion was not an accelerated one. It was effective as of 10 March 1971, eight months after his promotion to PFC. It was well deserved, however, as evidenced by the fact that SP4 Rog received the highest recommendation from his Battalion Commander and his unit's Commanding Officer. These recommendations were of benefit to him in obtaining the promotion.

As far as can be determined, SP4 Rog did not intend to go to helicopter flight school. However, he was going to extend his tour in RVN for six months to become a Medic on a dust-off helicopter. SP4 Rog's desire to undertake this hazardous duty was in keeping with his keen interest in helping others, regardless of any resultant personal danger.

SP4 Rog was an outstanding individual, who retained high spirits even in the face of the most trying circumstances He never failed to respond to the needs of others, even when it meant exposing himself to great danger. SP4 Rog truly enjoyed life, living it to the fullest. Several members of his company, greatly saddened at the news of his death, commented that he died "doing his job," sacrificing his own life to save others. SP4 Rog will be remembered and missed by the many men in his company who knew, liked, and respected him.

This letter was signed by E. B. Roberson, Captain, AGC Adjutant General.

From his friend,
Roy Mikkelsen

07 Apr 2005

Many times I've gone back to that valley
Recalling that day so many of us remember.
Though Doc paid the supreme price, he never once cowered.

I was with him that day,
I was one of the three medics we had.
The day he died forever burnt into my memory,
for it was the day I turned 19.
Airborne Doc and every April 3rd once again
I enter the valley.

Someday we'll meet again and float on wings of silk...

From a fellow Sky Soldier,
George Fowble
Phoenix, Az


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Company, 4/503rd Infantry, lost six men in the fighting that took place on 03 April 1971:
  • SSgt Arthur Best, Kenansville NC
  • SSgt Gary Butt, Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada
  • SSgt Robert J. Kiser, Stamford CT
  • SSgt Howard O. Warbington, Pascagoula MS
  • Cpl Wayne R. Borowski, Fayetteville NC
  • Sp4 Edward J. Rog, Chicago IL (medic, HHC with D/4/503)

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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