Richard Dean Roberts
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Lansing, Michigan
April 30, 1948 to July 31, 1978
(Incident Date March 25, 1969)
RICHARD D ROBERTS is on the Wall at Panel W28, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Roberts


18 May 2000

Richard Dean Roberts,

I didn't know you at all,
I wore your bracelet like a life line.
Hoping and praying for you everyday.
I still pray for you.

I received the bracelet back in 1972, when I was 13 years old.
I wore it every day, with hopes for you and your family,
for your safety and one day your return.

Now, 28 years later,
I still think of the man and his family I never knew and I pray.
It was only 5 years ago I removed the bracelet from my right arm
and placed it with all my other treasures.

God Bless you, Richard Dean Roberts


18 Feb 2004

I wear a bracelet that bears the name of Richard Dean Roberts, as he is still listed as missing in action/ P.O.W. I pray for him. I know that he is gone from this Earth. I know that we will meet again someday, and then we will smile. Brothers in combat always do. God Bless and Semper Fi Mac. Until we meet again. Thanks, Dick.

From an MIA bracelet wearer and friend,
Vincent C. Bertolino

4 Jan 2005

I, too, have worn the bracelet for Richard Dean Roberts for almost 35 years. I have cried at the Wall and thought of this young man almost every day since I was thirteen years old.

As a young woman, I hoped that you would be found alive and would be returned to your family. I am now reconciled to the fact that you have gone to a beautiful place and I will meet you someday.

As I grew older and had a son of my own, I could only imagine the grief your mother felt not to have you come home to her. I pray for her. May God bless you and your family.

Jill Knors
E-mail address is not available.

7 Feb 2005

I didn't know Richard Dean Roberts but I thank him for his service to our country. I was a good friend of Frederick Herrera, who reportedly was with Mr. Roberts when contact was lost and I know that Mr. Roberts could not have been with a better person or soldier. Freddie was a great guy, a great friend and a very honorable person from a very good family. Thank you both so very much and thank you, Richard, for being there with Freddie in his greatest time of need.

Michael C. Crowley

18 Sep 2005

I had never met or heard of SFC Richard D. Roberts until today. Putting on his MIA Bracelet today, he became a part of me. One day I will meet you, SFC Roberts, and shake your hand and say "Thank you".

Your bracelet will live on forever.

SFC Kim D. Craven

26 Sep 2005

I served in the Infantry in Vietnam at the same time Richard Roberts did. I have worn his MIA bracelet since shortly after I returned home in 1970. Though I didn't know him I know he was a good man because he stayed behind to help one of his own.

My eyes still tear when I think of the life he might have had, the kids he might have fathered, the man he might have been. He lives,at least in part through me and I am proud to carry him along.

I know he waits for me in a better place.
May he never be forgotten
by those who care.

Bob Gunnarson, Lt, Inf. RVN
San Antonio, Texas
E-mail address is not available.

04 Oct 2005

I never knew Sergeant Roberts, and I never wore his bracelet during the war or the time he was listed as MIA/POW. I was too young for that, and I only just received the bracelet.

But I do know one thing. He was a good man to have stayed behind, and deserved better. But sometimes, life isn't fair. I will think of him daily, and I hope he is at peace.

Stan Forron

06 Oct 2005

Although I was just a baby as Vietnam was ending, I have worn Richard D. Roberts' bracelet for the last 12 years in his honor and as a contant reminder of his service, my service in Desert Storm and those who have lost their life serving our county all across the world. Richard, may you be honored always and as with many others, I pray to shake your hand one day to tell you "Thanks" in person.

G. Scott Klein

13 Mar 2006

Hi, my name is Kimberly Hernandez and I'm 17 years old. I wear his MIA bracelet and I stand proud to wear it and I want to let the family members of this great hero know that he is in my prayers and so are they! I wear this bracelet because I would want the same in return! I have several family members in the miltary and if any of them were to become missing in action I would like for you to wear the bracelet too and to stand proud. I am so thankful to this hero on my wrist, who gave his life for me, a complete stranger, and I'm sure he is waiting for your arrival as well! Maybe when it's my turn I'll get to meet this great hero on my wrist.

Kimberly Rose Hernandez


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In mid-March 1969, elements of the 4th Infantry Division's 2nd Brigade were conducting interdiction operations very close to the border area where Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam met. B Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, was tasked with operating along a roadway which entered Laos just north of Cambodia, about 13 miles west-northwest of Dak To.

On 24 March B/1/8 skirmished with an enemy force, and although no Americans were killed there were several men who received non-life-threatening wounds. These men stayed with the company as it withdrew from contact. On the 25th, B Company was again engaged as it moved toward high ground, this time with a different outcome - five men were lost in action:

  • PFC Miles B. Hedglin, killed in action
  • PFC Phillip E. Lynch, killed in action
  • PFC Prentice W. Hicks, missing in action
  • PFC Richard D. Roberts, missing in action
  • PFC Frederick D. Herrera, missing in action
PFC Hicks was one of the men wounded on the 24th, and it was believed that Roberts and Herrera were separated from the main body of B Company when they stayed behind to assist Hicks as the unit withdrew from the hillside. Due to the enemy presence on the high ground, no search was possible until 5 April, when a recon team found personal effects belonging to PFC Hicks and PFC Herrera.

The three men were carried as MIA until July 1978, when the Secretary of the Army approved Presumptive Findings of Death for them. Their remains have not been repatriated.

PFC Herrera was a combat engineer assigned to Company B, 4th Engineer Battalion, and was a member of B/1/8 Infantry's combat engineer team.

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