Clair F. Ritchey, Jr
Army of the United States
Everett, Pennsylvania
October 17, 1947 to May 22, 1968
CLAIR F RITCHEY Jr is on the Wall at Panel 66E, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for Clair Ritchey

Clair F Ritchey
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01 June 2003

Thank you for going when you didn't have to.
We miss you very much.
Alice and I were back together again, just like old times.

E-mail address is not available.

03 Oct 2003

Butch, you were a good friend. I remember our nights skating at Cypher Beach, and our rides on your BSA. And the night you stepped in at the Schellsburg Firehall dance and saved my butt! The same bravery you showed then, you also showed in the defense of your country. I salute you, my brother.

Fud Miller
Pittsburgh/Cypher Beach


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The MACV Summary for May 1968 contains the following entry:

The seven men killed during the attack on the Tay Ninh West combat base were

  • HQ Troop, 3rd Sqdn, 17th Cavalry
    • SGT Lionel T. Clover, College Park, MD
    • SP5 John H. Tomeny, Hackensack, NJ
    • SP4 Steven G. Hicks, Napa, CA

  • B Btry, 2nd Bn, 32nd Artillery
    • SGT Philip Smith, Bell, CA
    • CPL Joseph V. Czajkowski, Baltimore, MD
    • CPL Clair F. Ritchey, Everett, PA

  • C Troop, 3rd Sqdn, 4th Cavalry
    • CPL Larry J. Samples, Henagar, AL

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