Severiano Rios
Army of the United States
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
March 11, 1949 to April 02, 1970
SEVERIANO RIOS is on the Wall at Panel W12, Line 84
See the full profile or name rubbing for Severiano Rios

Severiano Rios
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Severiano Rios


31 Mar 2006

This is in regards to Severiano Rios. I am a friend and think of him often. He served for us even though his home was near Guadalajara, Mexico. His family buried him there. I have lost touch with his family. He was awarded the Bronze Star.

Can anyone from his unit tell me how he died?

12 Feb 2007

I am his niece. I never met him but I am proud to say he is my uncle. My father is his brother. I am grateful for the people who have this information out here. It helps me to learn about him. Does anyone have pictures of him?

Christina Berumen


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 02 Apr 1970 a recon team from F Company, 75th Rangers, was sent into an area called the "Renegade Woods" to investigate reports of a large NVA/VC force. The Rangers found the enemy - all they could handle and more besides. Companies B and C, 2nd Bn, 27th Infantry, were inserted as the initial reaction force; A/2/27 joined in the late afternoon, and two additional companies from 2/22nd Infantry came in as well. By the time the fighting ended several days later, over 100 NVA/VA troops from the 271st NVA/VC Regiment were dead, a large base camp was in American handsand twelve American soldiers were dead:
  • 2nd Bn, 27th Inf Rgt
    • 1LT Ronald V. Kolb, Washington, DC, C Company
    • SSG Melvyn H. Kalili, Hauula, HI, C Company
    • SSG William T. Smith, Marshfield, WI, B Company
    • SGT John J. Lyons, Yonkers, NY, B Company
    • SGT Mickey E. Griffith, San Gabriel, CA, C Company
    • SGT John E. Rarrick, Beaver Dams, NY, C Company (Dist Svc Cross)
    • CPL Severiano Rios, Oak Creek, WI, C Company

  • F Co, 75th Inf Rgt
    • SFC Alvin W. Floyd, Augusta, GA, (Dist Svc Cross)
    • SSG Michael F. Thomas, Louisville, KY
    • SGT Donald W. Tinney, New York, NY (DoW 04/14/1970) (Silver Star)

  • B Btry, 2nd Bn, 77th Arty Rgt
    • 2LT Orville E. Kitchen, Dayton, OH

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