Marvin Keith Richardson
Army of the United States
Hudson, Michigan
January 31, 1950 to July 11, 1969
MARVIN K RICHARDSON is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for Marvin Richardson

Marvin K Richardson
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28 Apr 2002


Marvin was my first patient in the field.
He survived the experience.
But in July he died in the assault on Hill 996.

You were easy going and cool in your own way. I remember one day on a reconnaissance in force, the column stopped while the point checked things out and we took a break. I hit one of those comfortable spots. One of those places where you squat down and just kind of fall back on your ruck and it's just right. Then the word came up that I was needed. I got up from that nice spot and started moving back down the column. Along the way people were saying, "It's Richardson". When I got back to you, you were sitting with Lt. Morgan, looking serious. Then you stuck out your finger and showed me this tiny cut. "You called me all the way back here for this?" You said, "I just wanted to talk to the new quack." You, the Lt. and some others started laughing. We talked while I got out the bandaid. When I put it on, you said something like "He did that real well, didn't he?" That got another chuckle from the guys, but not from me. I failed to see the humor in it. Too up-tight for my own good.

You were one of the nicest and easiest-going people that I would meet in country. I didn't know at the time.

Like the radio watch, I had been gettin' over on that duty. Then one night at an NDP you gave me the radio, told me what to do and set right behind me. You gave me the LP's call sign and mine. "Yeah, I got it, no problem. Twice for 'Negative', three times for 'Positive'. Call 'em for a sit-rep every 15 minutes tonight. Yeah, no problem." On the second sit-rep all I heard was squelch ... squelch ... squelch. You grabbed the horn and asked questions and they answered with squelches. Man I was so up-tight I could hear my heart beating. You stayed cool and in control. You did that until you knew how far out and the direction. You taught me though. It's not forgotten.

The last time I saw you, you walked by with Lt. Yarbrough. We were all on the ground and there you were walking around with the LT. You looked at me and just shook your head. The LT had enough courage for 3 brave men. I knew what you were thinking and I remember what you said. I understood and that was the last I ever heard from you.

Lt. Yarbrough had the courage of a lion. Maybe too much. He said, "If you can't see 'em you can't shoot 'em and you can't see 'em laying on the ground."

I've got to hand it to you though. The way you and he did it took guts.

You were not forgotten, never will be.

The Quack
Richard "Doc" Daniels

13 Mar 2005

I remember when we started the wrestling program at Hudson High. You were a freshman and I a sophomore. Our coach Mr. Kroll treated all equal no matter who we were. Little did I think at that time we would both end up in Vietnam! When I got home after my tour and we met at the ole bowling ally in Hudson, you asked me what it was like in Nam. I told you some of the things, but did not want to make you worry about what was to come for you! Your friendship we had in High School will never be forgotten. You did not have a bad bone in your body! I have been coming to the Wall since 1982 and each year I stop and talk with you and Richard Rinck, he too was on our wrestling team ... he was a real tough nut! But a great wrestler. Some day we will see each other ... Until then, take care, my friend...

From a friend,
Jimmy Topps, Class Of 1967


Notes from The Virtual Wall

SP4 Richard J. Rinck, mentioned above by Mr. Topps, was assigned to Company A, 5th Special Forces Group. He died on 12 Oct 1969 in an accident at Detachment A-343, Duc Phong, Phuoc Long Province.

CPL Marvin Richardson was one of twenty men killed in the fighting on Hill 996 on 11 July 1969.

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