Duane Lawrence Richard
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
San Jose, California
May 03, 1949 to February 10, 1970
DUANE L RICHARD is on the Wall at Panel W14, Line 123
See the full profile or name rubbing for Duane Richard

Duane L Richard
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"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

"As long as we live
You will live.
As long as we live
You will be remembered.
As long as we live
You will be loved."

"No greater love has a man than this;
that he lay down his life for his country"


From his sister,
Vicki Richard
Fairfax, VA
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A UH-1H Huey (tail number 66-16664) of the 335th Transportation Company departed the Ky Ha helipad at Chu Lai, Vietnam, on or about 0815 hours, 10 February 1970, on a courier run to Danang. The aircraft flew to a point 1 mile south of Danang Main airfield, just east of Highway 1. The aircraft was low level through this area due to high density of aircraft, maintaining an approximate altitude of 100-300 feet and an airspeed of approximately 80 knots. The aircraft experienced a tail rotor malfunction, airspeed dissipated, the nose of the aircraft began to tuck under, and the aircraft began a spin to the right. The aircraft then assumed an extreme nose high attitude. The main rotor hub and blades separated from the aircraft, severing the tail boom section. The fuselage then rolled left and turned upside down. The fuselage contacted the ground in the inverted position. The main rotor hub and blades and the tail boom section landed in a different location. Fire broke out immediately on impact due to ruptured fuel lines or cells. There were witnesses to all or at least parts of the crash. Vietnanese civilians attempted to extinguish the fire with pails of water but to no avail. Several military personnel arrived at the crash site within minutes and immediately took control of security, extinuishing the fire with hand-held fire extinguishers. They also assisted in removing personnel from the aircraft. There were no survivors of the crash.

The following personnel were aboard the Huey:

  • From the 335th TC:
  • Passengers:
    • LCDR George Russell Matthews, USN, 3rd NC Bde, COMNAVFORV;
    • Capt John Vincent Francis, USMC, Marine Liaison, 31st NC Rgt (Seabees);
    • LTJG Robert Godwin Browne, USN, Chu Lai Det, NavSuppAct Danang;
    • SGT Ricky Lynn Bowden, Army, 335th TC;
    • SK3 David Francis Schuette, USN, Chu Lai Det, NavSuppAct Danang;
    • SP4 John Maynard, Army, 23rd Admin Co, Americal Division;
    • SN Timothy Joseph Green, USN, Chu Lai Det, NavSuppAct Danang; and
    • SN Joel Richard Stepp, USN, Chu Lai Det, NavSuppAct Danang.

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