George F. Reynolds, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Oneonta, New York
December 04, 1946 to March 29, 1969
(Incident Date March 22, 1969)
GEORGE F REYNOLDS Jr is on the Wall at Panel W28, Line 85
See the full profile or name rubbing for George Reynolds


25 Apr 2008

SP/4 George Reynolds was assigned to LZ WEST in 68 and 69. He was a terrific friend and fellow RTO. He lost his life in early 1969. When in Vietnam, I considered him my best friend. He used to kid me that he was "short" and was going to be home shortly. His humor and the help he always offered will never be forgotten.

From a friend,
Harold Watson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 22 March 1969 the 178th ASHC was tasked with a routine resupply run from LZ BALDY to LZ WEST, which was located more or less on a hilltop about 9 kilometers east of Hiep Duc. The helicopter, CH-47B tail number 67-18461, was loaded with miscellaneous cargo and 25 passengers. During the pre-take-off hover check the pilot decided the aircraft was too heavily laden so five passengers were off-loaded. The CH-47, with 5 crewmen and 20 passengers, departed BALDY at 1300. Take-off, climb, and the enroute flight all were normal.

The LZ WEST helicopter pad was located on the hill's shoulder. The CH-47 made a normal approach to the pad from the southeast, but as it neared touch-down the pilot realized that he did not have sufficient power to brake his rate of descent. He attempted to abort the landing by turning hard left, away from the landing pad and toward the valley below. The aircraft continued to settle during the hard turn, and just as the CH-47 reversed course the aft port landing gear hit the hillside. The gear collapsed and the rear fuselage scraped the ground, causing the fuselage to pivot into the hillside. It first rolled onto its side, then continued until it was on its back, whereupon it burst into flames. Eight of the 25 men aboard were killed in the crash:

  • Aircrew, 178th ASHC, 14th Avn Bn
    • SP5 Robert C. Tedford, Arlington, MA

  • 4th Bn, 31st Infantry, 196th Infantry Bde
    • SGT David C. Vallance, Hamilton, MT, A Company
    • SP4 Clarence H. Boolin, Overland Park, KS, A Company
    • SP4 Richard W. Goden, Baltimore, MD, A Company
    • SP4 George F. Reynolds, Oneonta, NY, HQ Company
    • SP4 Leonardo Rios-Velazquez, Rio Piedras, PR, A Company

  • G Btry, 55th Artillery, 196th Infantry Bde
    • SP4 Charles D. Howell, Griffith, IN
    • SP4 Terry L. Staman, Myrtle Point, OR

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