James Thomas Renz
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Des Plaines, Illinois
June 03, 1945 to December 29, 1966
JAMES T RENZ is on the Wall at Panel 13E, Line 100
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Renz

Combat Action Ribbon

29 Jun 2001

I have a very dear friend of mine who is still around with the last name of Renz. My friend is from the greater Chicago metro area, originally, and has since moved away. I know that my friend Mr. Renz was a Vietnam veteran. I have no idea if James Thomas Renz is his relative or not.

After working as a volunteer for a travelling version of the Vietnam Wall last weekend, I've been searching this site. If, or if not, James Thomas Renz is a relative of my friend, I just wanted everyone to know: we appreciate the sacrifice given, we will not forget, and may we all pray for a time when there is no need for "memorials" to war veterans. May we all someday live in peace.

Take care.

Denise M. Vollmer


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 29 Dec 1966 five Marines were killed in Quang Tri Province by "friendly fire":
  • 1st Armd Amphib Co, 1st Fld Arty Grp, 11th Marines
    • Sgt Jack L. Shaffer, Arcola, IL
    • Cpl Dennis G. Schlott, Baltimore, MD
    • LCpl Thomas N. Cardiff, Johnstown, PA

  • HQ Btry, 12th Marines
    • Pfc James T. Renz, Des Plaines, IL

  • HQ Btry, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines
    • Pfc Terry D. Gemas, Saugus, CA
The December 1966 Command Chronologies for the 1st Armored Amphibian Company and the 12th Marines contain information regarding the incident:
From the 1st ArmAmphib CmdChron page 6:
"A premature burst of a 105mm round occurred at 0510, 29 December 1966 at the 1st Platoon position at the mouth of the Cua Viet River (YD348696) resulting in 3 KIA and 2 WIA (evac) from this Company."
From the 12th Marines Operations Log for 29 Dec:
"0635 - 0510 - LVTH-6 reported they were under mortar attack. Request medevac for 10 USMC WIA. Medevac underway at 0555. Medevac completed 0630."

"0900 - SPOT REP - COMBINE ALPHA 290840H (YD34886959). Round exploded in area. Possible premature rnd at 0500H or around that time. Explosion seemed to be air burst. 5 KIA 2 WIA with 4 WIA from MURPHY B. Line F: 5 [USMC KIA]. Line G: 6 [USMC WIA]. Line P: Investigation [underway]."

"1115 - LVTH-6 reported FDC [Fire Direction Center] tent received major part of shrapnel 40 yards from howitzer which fired. They were firing fuze 'Q'."

An LVTH-6 "Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Howitzer" was an amphibious tractor fitted with a 105mm howitzer. Although the 1st Armored Amphibian Company was formally assigned to the 1st Marine Division, it was the only armored amphibian unit in Vietnam and its platoons supported Marines from both the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions.

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