Dennis Edward Reese
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Wilmington, North Carolina
July 24, 1950 to October 26, 1970
DENNIS E REESE is on the Wall at Panel W6, Line 24
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dennis Reese

Dennis E Reese
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15 Feb 2006

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Dennis and I arrived at the 540th Transportation Company in Qui Nhon on the same day in February, 1970. We were both school-trained Huey Crew Chiefs, and wanted to transfer to combat units where we could crew our own aircraft. We became friends, and talked each other into applying for transfers. In the summer of 1970 he went to the 498th Medical Company as a medevac crew chief, and I went to the 101st Airborne. He was a great guy, whom I think about every day.

Joe Kline


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 26 October 1970 a UH-1H (tail number 67-17765) from the 498th Medical Company was sent to Fire Support Base Washington to evacuate a seriously ill or injured soldier. It was a night mission, and the weather was extremely bad. On arrival in the area, they found FSB Washington literally was in the clouds - it was located on a mountaintop. The crew decided it would be possible to hover up the mountainside provided that the FSB people could provide flares for illumination. Things went well until a dud flare was fired and the pilot lost visual contact with the forested hillside. A skid caught in the treetops and the aircraft went into the ground and burst into flames. Four crewman died in the crash, but there was one survivor - 1LT Walter J. Mitchell, a medical officer with the aid station at FSB Uplift. The four men who were killed in the crash of UH-1H tail number 67-17765 were
  • CWO Donald R. Cook, Unicoi, TN, pilot;
  • WO Charles F. Smith, St Charles, MO, copilot;
  • SP4 Dennis E. Reese, Wilmington, NC, crew chief; and
  • PFC Karl L. Reineccius, Paris, AR, medic.

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