Dewey Vern Ray
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Frankfort, Michigan
July 09, 1947 to September 14, 1969
DEWEY V RAY is on the Wall at Panel W18, Line 87
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dewey Ray

Dewey V Ray
americal.gif 196lib.gif 17cavrgt.gif

20 Jul 2006

Dewey, my father's brother. The uncle I never knew - a few photos, that's all. Would I have called you uncle? I think so. Marvin did 22 years, made Top. He married Lynn and they had Scott. We got to be real close due to the fact that "Top" was at Fort Benning for so long, and with us living in the greater Atlanta area it was easy to always see them.

Dad misses you. Sometimes he gets this far-off look and tells us a story about you and him and Bob and Marvin doing something crazy.

I have a son now, Denver is his name. Scott had one and named him Evan. Scott's back in Travers City. I am still here in Georgia trying to get along. I just wanted to write a few lines and let you know how proud I am to be an American because of men like you, and those you served with. Thank you all for what you gave to us.

Love, Brooks

P.S. If you're up there with Grand Pa ... keep your left up. B.

From his nephew,
Timothy Brooks Ray


A Note from The Virtual Wall

F Troop, 17th Cavalry, was the 196th Infantry Brigade's ground reconnaissance unit. They lost three men on 14 Sep 1969:
  • SGT Larry E. Sweet, Dumas, TX;
  • PFC Dewey V. Ray, Frankfort, MI; and
  • PVT Michael E. Koonce, Ripley, TN.

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