Jesus P. Ramirez
Master Sergeant
Army of the United States
Los Angeles, California
December 15, 1928 to February 08, 1968
JESUS P RAMIREZ is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 37
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jesus Ramirez

Jesus P Ramirez
armyseal.gif AMAJORG-MACV.png

04 Jun 2008

This is for the sun that will not shine today,
This is for the daughters
Who will never see a father's smile,
Nor have a father to be there
When you stumble and fall.
This is for the times
Our mothers
Told us tales of some mystery man
That never truly existed.
This is for that young woman
Who was tortured by her father's descent
Into the places
Where we dare not follow.
This is for the father
Who ran so far away
To play with follies of the world...
- Alfonso Coley -

From his daughter.

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