Robert Louis Ragsdale
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
San Antonio, Texas
May 25, 1939 to June 26, 1964
ROBERT L RAGSDALE is on the Wall at Panel 1E, Line 55
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Ragsdale

Robert L Ragsdale
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27 Mar 2001

I grew up not knowing my father. He was killed in action when I was 2 years old and my mother was pregnant with my sister, Ellen. I have been able to learn what kind of man he was through letters he wrote while away. He was a very loving, kind, and selfless man who missed his family very much and was counting the days till he could return.

He often had to notify other platoon mates' families of their loss and hated being the bearer of this type of news. I appreciate all those involved with the news of his death and their compassion and thoughtfulness in bringing that news home to my mothe r and grandparents.

I still have all of his letters and my sister has his medals. My father was one of the first casualties from San Antonio and received honor at his death. I admire all the men who served and lost their lives in this war!

Thank you for allowing me to keep my father's memory alive.

From his daughter,
Robin Louise Flood Ragsdale Gassen

19 Jul 2007

On February 1, 2006 the 63rd Aviation Group, The Udairi Army Airfield Command Cell and the KBR Airfield Management Team dedicated a training site in the Memory of 2LT Robert L. Ragsdale in honor of his service to his country in Vietnam.

From his daughter,
Robin Gassen

06 Feb 2003

Bobby's daughter's memorial tribute touched me very much. Bobby was a childhood friend of mine and we grew up in the Harlandale district of San Antonio. This was a pretty rough neighborhood. I was older that Bobby and I looked after him (when other kids would try to cause trouble).

I lost contact with Bobby and found out about his death in Feb 1966. Since then I have been to Washington DC approximately 12 times and went to see Bobby at the Wall. I was there when the Wall was opened. Like his daughter said "Her father was a GOD fearing man and a real good one."

I see a lot of friends that are there.

Death is not final. It but creates a stronger bond between the one who gets called and the love of the people that are left behind, hence, love last forever.

From a childhood friend,
George O Hartman,


A note from The Virtual Wall

Two men of the 114th Assault Helicopter Company were killed when their UH-1B HUEY helicopter (hull number 63-08571) was shot down while providing fire support to an South Vietnamese Army unit:
  • Aircraft commander 1LT James Paige Wright and
  • Pilot 2LT Robert Louis Ragsdale

Visit the
114th Assault Helicopter Company

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