Edward Doyle Powers
Army of the United States
Houston, Texas
October 12, 1943 to December 15, 1968
EDWARD D POWERS is on the Wall at Panel W36, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edward Powers

Edward D Powers
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24 Nov 2001

Palacios Native Killed in Action in Vietnam
The Daily Tribune
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

A 25-year-old Palacios native has been killed in action in South Vietnam.

PFC Edward Doyle Powers, husband of Mrs. LoVonne Powers of Houston and son of Eldon Powers of Houston, was killed about Dec. 15. Powers and members of his platoon had been missing in battle since that date.

Funeral services are pending the arrival of the body from Vietnam. PFC Powers will be buried in Palacios with full military honors. Taylor Brothers Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.

Besides his father and wife, Powers is survived by one son, Keith, 3 and two aunts, Mrs. Laure Harvey of Bay City and Mrs. Cleddie Harvey of Palacios.

Powers' wife is expecting her second child in February.

PFC Powers had served with the 7th Infantry in Vietnam since his assignment there in September of this year. He was a member of a rifle platoon.

The Daily Tribune
December 27, 1968
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

POWERS, Edward Doyle, 25, killed in South Vietnam Dec. 15. Funeral set for 3 p.m. Saturday at the Palacios Funeral Home, burial in Palacios Cemetery. Powers is survived by his wife, Mrs. LoVonne Powers of Houston; one son, Keith Powers of Houston; his father, Eldon Powers of Houston; and two aunts, Mrs. Laure Harvey of Bay City and Mrs. Cleddie Harvey of Palacios.

A memorial placed by a member of the
Matagorda County Historical Commission.
E-mail address is not available.

20 Dec 2003

Even 35 years later the pain is still here.
I miss you terribly.

Your friend and cousin,

16 Mar 2007

Hi, I'm Eddie's only surviving son, Keith. I am almost 42 years old now and I am trying to find any of my father's kin or anyone who knew him, personally, as I would like to know more about him. His wife (my mother) passed away in February of 1993 and I have no-one to tell me anything about him, anymore. I have a son (Elijah) who will be 12 in May, 2007, and a two-month-old daughter (Isabella) to call my own, now. I can be reached via e-mail at wx_Nighthawk@yahoo.com or you can call me at 713.447.4800 (7pm-7am CST is free for me)... ;) Please write or call, if you know anything about him. Thanks and God Bless ALL of you!

From his son,
Keith Powers


A Note from The Virtual Wall

1LT Dean F Spaulding and PFC Edward D Powers, both of B Btry, 2nd Bn, 40th Field Artillery, and both killed in action on 15 December 1968, were members of an artillery forward observer team attached to the 3rd Bn, 7th Infantry.

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