Thomas Stokes Powell
Army of the United States
Athens, Texas
September 17, 1942 to April 19, 1972
THOMAS S POWELL is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 3
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Powell


12 Nov 2001

I never had the pleasure to know Thomas but have been close to his family for many years. When I moved to Athens, Thomas was one of the names I first heard about. Because he and I share the same birthday I have always thought of him. I made a trip to Washington and got a rubbing of his name. I still think of him and regret that I didn't know him. It's a bit strange how one becomes attached to a name on a Wall. I know that Thomas was and is a hero to this small East Texas town and I know how proud his family is of him. I hope someday to meet him and visit with him. Until that day, all I have is a name on a Wall.

From a friend of his family,
Robert Hoover

22 Jul 2006

Tom Powell was my "cube mate" during the months we went through Field Artillery Officer Candidate School at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He was a graduate of USAAMOCS class 11-67 in March 1967, and later trained as a helicopter pilot. During the time I knew him, he impressed me with his belief in God, his integrity and his devotion to duty. He was a good man and soldier. He paid the ultimate price for our freedom, and I am grateful for his service, and sad that he was called to sacrifice.

Patrick Stephens


A Note from The Virtual Wall

When the 7th Squadron, 17th Cavalry was preparing to depart Vietnam in April 1972, the assets of C Troop 7/17 were used to form an air cavalry troop - H Troop, 10th Cavalry.

The new unit suffered its first losses on 19 Apr 1972 when two men were killed when their OH-6A helicopter (tail number 67-16499) was shot down while on a recon mission southwest of Pleiku: CPT Thomas Stokes Powell, pilot, and SP4 Paul John Pesce, observer.

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