Dominick Pollastro
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Syracuse, New York
January 19, 1949 to September 17, 1968
DOMINICK POLLASTRO is on the Wall at Panel W43, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dominick Pollastro

Combat Action Ribbon
Dominick Pollastro
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 26thmarines.gif

24 Jun 2001


Just a note to say that you have not been forgotten. I think of you and your sense of humor often.

From his friend,
Ron Smith

05 Jan 2004

I too, think of you often. You were a good friend to all of us. The world is a much sadder place without your humor and broad smile. I have tried to contact some of your family but have not been able to get a response. I would like to let them know how much we all thought of you. I thank you and your family for your sacrifice. I'm so sorry you did not make it back.

Jim Malam

3 Jan 2005

"Nose"? We never knew that nickname for my brother, who was known as Donny to all in the family and everyone else who knew him and as "Bags" or "Bones" to many of his friends. Donny was the youngest of four brothers, the third Marine among them (I was in the Air Force), and one sister.

How I regret the abuse I gave him when we were growing up, you know, the next older brother picking on the youngest. By the time he went into the Marines, he was enough bigger than me that he could have kicked my butt easily.

But he didn't even consider it; he was way too gentle.
A sense of humor? Yes. Friendly? Yes.
But it's how gentle he was,
how lovable he was,
that characterizes him for me.

I am very pleased to see him remembered and memorialized here. He was greatly loved by all his family and his many friends in Syracuse, NY, and he has been greatly missed all these years.

The "Nose"? I love it.

From his brother,
Mike Pollastro

22 Jan 2005

Thinking of you often.
I will always remember the good times we shared as kids.
Forever young.

From a cousin,
Andy Pollastro
175 Bradford Rd, Central Square, New York

08 Sep 2005

Miss you, brother.
Somehow I never came back.
I think of you and Skocich often.
You always made us all laugh.
You guys were the best!

Someday, God willing, all tears will be wiped away and we will all laugh and joke together again.

Semper Fi, Nose!

From a "Nam Brother" who was there when it happened,
Thomas F. Hanley III


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In September 1968 elements of the Battalion Landing Team built around the 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines, were at Landing Zone Margo in the Cam Lo River valley about 13 miles due west of Cam Lo itself. On 15, 16, and 17 September LZ Margo was subjected to severe mortar attacks, losing 29 men.

H&S Company, 2/26 Marines, lost four men on 17 Sep 1968:

  • Cpl William T. Parker, Stockton, CA
  • LCpl Dominick Pollastro, Syracuse, NY
  • Pfc Frank A. Skocich, Ambridge, PA
  • HN Darnell J. Songne, Abbeville, LA

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