Harry Davis Pickard
Army of the United States
Greensboro, North Carolina
January 20, 1949 to May 30, 1970
HARRY D PICKARD is on the Wall at Panel W10, Line 122
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harry Pickard

Harry D Pickard
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15 Nov 2001

He fought like a soldier
and died like a man
just another victim
of old Viet Nam.

But he was a brother
and he had a wife -
he dreamed of Wanda
and his Carolina life.

I know he was a hero
and I thank him today
for giving his life
for our American way.

Please tell St Peter
and the rest of the crew
the day's drawing closer
when we'll be reunited with you.

From a fellow soldier,
SSGT William R. Henry
Route 1 Box 540 Ava, Mo 65608

24 Oct 2002

Harry Davis Pickard was so special to our family. He was the first grandchild for Mamaw and Papaw, as he dubbed them. They loved him and were so proud of him. It didn't take Harry long to learn that he was better looking than most toddlers. I remember once when he was just about two years old, one of our relatives said "You sure are a cute little boy," to which Harry replied, "Yes, and I have beautiful eyes!" (something he had been told by too many of us, I guess!)

Well, Harry knew from his youth he was very special. He always cared for the underdog, brought home stray animals and kids having problems at home. He was very popular at Curry High School in Greensboro, North Carolina, and we were all proud to sit at his graduation. All too soon, he was in love and getting married! A very happy bridegroom, the notice came. Report to Ft. Bragg in a couple of weeks.

We were all very patriotic and believed that the draft was the noble way, so there was nothing else but to encourage him to go and be brave.

On his last visit to our home, he said, "You know I won't come back alive." I was shocked, and shamed him for even thinking such a thing! "Harry, you know how many guys are fighting this war, and we're going over there and win this thing! You are strong and brave and you are going to be fine!" He just hung his head and didn't go along with the enthusiasm ... that is my last image of him, as I never was able to view his precious body due to the closed casket required.

He was strong and brave! He answered his country's call as did every other man who served willingly, even though they may have at times doubted themselves in the face of such overwhelming forces. Heroes, every one.

God bless all who read this.

Harry's Aunt in North Carolina,
Alice Pickard Braxton

01 Oct 2007

we all still remember and think of you often.
The world lost a funny, funny man.

From a friend from Curry High School,
Millye Gailey
Greensboro, NC
E-mail address is not available.

01 Nov 2007

I had the joy of going to school with Harry at Curry High School. He was a year ahead of me.

I remember him as always having a smile on his face and a kind word.

He played basketball and supported the school. While I was not a close friend, I was saddened to learn of his passing.

The world lost a gentle, funny soul.

From a friend,
Todd Robinson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

B Company, 1/7th Cavalry, lost three men as the result of an engagement on 30 May 1970 during the Cambodian incursion:
  • SGT Thomas S. Lipp, Glenside, PA;
  • SGT Harry D. Pickard, Greensboro, NC; and
  • SGT Richard G. Weid, Monroe, MI.
Sergeants Pickard and Weid were killed in the action. Sergeant Lipp was one of the men wounded; he died of his injuries on 01 March 1986 and his name was added to the Wall on Veterans' Day 1987.

Lakeview Memorial Park, Greensboro, NC

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