Denzil Dale Pettit
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Bloomington, California
January 07, 1945 to August 02, 1966
DENZIL D PETTIT is on the Wall at Panel 9E, Line 100
See the full profile or name rubbing for Denzil Pettit


25 August 2002

Gone but not forgotten!

by a friend,
Mike Hutchison

28 Mar 2003

I am Jess Vasquez from Colton, California. I am a classmate and friend of Denzil Pettit.

We have several other boys from Colton that were lost in the war. For being such a small town, about 25,000 at the time, we lost quite a few. I can immediately recall five of my friends with Denzil among them. We have a small monument in our municipal park to honor them. God only knows how much I would rather have them here with us rather than that bronze plaque. May the Lord give them their rest and salvation.

Jess Vasquez
Ex-Staff Sergeant
11th Tac Recon Sqdn, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand

A note from The Virtual Wall

Thirteen men who entered the service from Colton and four from Bloomington died in Vietnam:

PFC Gilbert J Adame
26th Marines
1LT Danny A Cowan
17th Cavalry
PFC Robert L Crites
1st Recon Bn, 1st MarDiv
LCPL Michael O Crossen
9th Marines
LCPL Michael C Darcy
9th Marines
SSG Charles M Douglas
5th Infantry
PFC Porfirio E Elias
327th Infantry
PFC Lawrence C Garrett
4th Cavalry
SFC Bernard L Gray
134th Medical Det
PFC Reyes C Hernandez
3rd Marines
SGT John Juarez
47th Infantry
MAJ Gerard M Kieswetter
SP4 Bradley A Kinder
158th Aslt Helo Bn
CAPT William D McGrath
SGT Rudy M Oliveras
39th Infantry
PFC Denzil D Pettit
35th Infantry
PFC James L Wehr
26th Infantry

30 Mar 2005

I'm sorry for his family members that lost him. I am a 9th grader at Lake Stevens High School and I am doing a project on this soldier! Thank you very much!!!!

In memory!

E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The men of 2nd Bn, 35th Infantry, were heavily engaged on 02 Aug 1966. Nine men died in the fighting; Staff Sergeant Thomas Dean was wounded in the action, contracted hepititis while hospitalized, and died from the disease on 06 Oct 1966. The ten men were
  • A Company:
  • C Company:
    • 2LT Leonard D. Davis, Bisbee, AZ (Silver Star)
    • PFC Terry D. Craighead, Fulton, MO

  • Recon Platoon, HHC:
    • SSG Thomas Dean, Red Springs, NC (DoI 10/06/1966) (Silver Star)
    • SGT Juan Munoz, San Antonio, TX
    • SP4 William H. Gardner, Montgomery, AL
    • SP4 George G. Trueluck, Detroit, MI
    • PFC Michael T. Ledebur, Milwaukee, WI
    • PFC Denzil D. Pettit, Bloomington, CA
They are remembered by their comrades-in-arms in the

35th Infantry

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