Nicholas C. Petanovich
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Lompoc, California
June 14, 1948 to September 09, 1970
NICHOLAS C PETANOVICH is on the Wall at Panel W7, Line 50
See the full profile or name rubbing for Nicholas Petanovich

Nicholas C Petanovich
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Nicholas C Petanovich
High School Photo

Lieutenant Petanovich was riding on his Armored Cavalry Vehicle when the unit came under attack. According to one withness, a Rocket Propelled Grenade hit the antenna. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment of his wounds and expired thereafter.

He was survived by his father, Andrew J, and his mom, Ruth, three younger brothers and two younger sisters. His father, also a Veteran of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, passed away on Nov. 12, 1998 and was buried in the family plot with Nicholas.

Nicholas and his father are buried at Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery, Lompoc California. Their markers are shown below

Nicholas C Petanovich    Nicholas C Petanovich

1LT Petanovich was awarded three (3) Bronze Stars (BSM & 2 OLC) and two (2) Purple Hearts according to his grave marker. We are attemtping to locate documentation to determine whether the medals were for achievement, merit, or Valor, or a combination of the 3 types in order to post the appropriate medal in his shadow box above.

If he was awarded a Bronze Star for Merit, Achievement, and for Valor, which is a good possibility, it would appear as below. In order to receive 2 Purple Hearts, he would have been in at least two separate contacts.

Nicholas C Petanovich

- - The Virtual Wall, November 13, 2014

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