Ronald Glen Perryman
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Wichita, Kansas
April 02, 1944 to October 25, 1966
RONALD G PERRYMAN is on the Wall at Panel 11E, Line 105
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Perryman

Ronald G Perryman
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18 Nov 2001

To Lt. Perryman and The United States Army

"I have eaten your bread and salt.
I have drunk your water and wine.
The deaths ye died I have watched beside,
And the lives ye led were mine."
-- Rudyard Kipling --

From a fellow soldier, 2nd Bn, 18th Inf,
Joseph Hudson

27 Sep 2004

Lt. Ronald G. Perryman was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. He joined the Army soon after he graduated from high school in 1962. He served two years as an enlisted man and then went to OCS in Infantry. He was commissioned a 2LT on December 3, 1965. After his Basic Infantry Course he was assigned to Fort Hood, Texas. While there, he met his future wife, Judy Lynn Grant, the sister of his buddy, 2LT Thomas Grant of Coahoma, Texas. They married in Coahoma, Texas on August 10, 1966 just before he shipped out for Vietnam. He departed for Vietnam on September 25, 1966. Perryman was assigned as a platoon leader for C Company, 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry, First Infantry Division. On October 25, 1967, one month after his tour began he was killed by a booby trap.

He was buried with full military honors in Wichita, Kansas. He is remembered by the the State of Kansas Vietnam Memorial and by the Big Spring, Texas Vietnam Memorial and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial located in Midland, Texas.

From a PBVVM Representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

Young Widow Receives Medal

COHOMA - The Purple Heart, earned by her husband before he fell on the field of battle in Vietnam Oct 25, was presented to Mrs. Judy Perryman in brief ceremonies here Sunday.

Col. Harold Winchester, San Angelo, came here to do the honors in the presentation, and listed several other awards thet the fallen Lt. Ronald G. Perryman was entitled to wear.

At the ceremonies in the Cahoma High School auditorium, Col. Winchester also announced that Lt. Thomas Grant, a close companion and brother-in-law of Lt. Perryman, had received promotion to first lieutenant. Mrs. Perryman was visiting her brother at Ft. Hood when she met the man she was to marry Aug 10, 2-1/2 months before he was killed in action. Lt. Grant himself is due to report for shipment to Vietnam on Dec. 10. Effective date of his promotion was Dec. 3.

In the presentation, Col. Winchester recalled that the Purple Heart was established by Gen. George Washington at Newburg N. Y. on Aug. 7, 1782, and was revived by President Herbert Hoover Feb. 23 1932. It is awarded in the name of the President to any member of the Armed Forces or any civilian national of the United States who has been wounded, killed, or who has died as a result of wounds while in action.

In addition to the Purple Heart, Lt. Perryman, who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nery Perryman of Wichita, Kan., was entitled to wear the National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, combat infantryman's badge, and the French Fourragere Infantry cord.

Source unknown.
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