Jean Pierre V Pellicano
Army of the United States
Alameda, California
March 06, 1947 to November 05, 1968
JEAN P PELLICANO is on the Wall at Panel W39, Line 23
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jean Pellicano

Jean P Pellicano
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26 Oct 2007

Jean Pierre Pellicano (Frenchie) was a great medic and soldier. He had a big heart and was a true friend. I think of him quite often, it's been 40 years but sometimes it seems like yesterday. I wish I could find any of his relatives to express my sorrow and to tell them how couragous he was. Rest in peace, Frenchie, you are truly missed.

From a comrade,
Mark Froeber


A Note from The Virtual Wall

B Company, 3/21st Infantry, lost three men during the first few days of November 1968. Two were killed in action on 01 Nov, SP4 Eason J. Maxey of Newark, NJ, and PFC Gary L. Dauch of Clyde, OH.

Sergeant Pellicano died of wounds on 05 Nov, but the date he was injured is not known to The Virtual Wall. While it would be tempting to assume he was wounded in the engagement on 01 Nov that apparently is not true ... while the Army's TAGCEN file does say the 196th Inf Bde had two deaths and eight wounded on 01 Nov, none of the wounded required hospitalization. The 196th didn't report any injuries or deaths on 02, 03, or 04 November. On 05 November the Brigade had one death - Pellicano - and three men wounded in action, two seriously and one minor injury. However, neither the names nor unit assignments for these three men are known so we cannot know if Bravo 3/21 was engaged on 05 November.

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