Bruce Fuller Pearson
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Williams, Arizona
May 04, 1948 to June 09, 1969
BRUCE F PEARSON is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 6
See the full profile or name rubbing for Bruce Pearson

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Bruce F Pearson
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07 Nov 2001

PearsonBF01d.jpg Bruce and I were in boot camp, ITR and BITTS together. This was from January thru May of 1968. We then went home on leave. We would be reporting back for Staging then over to Viet Nam.

When I came back the Corps decided I would be going to language school - I passed some test in boot camp and they thought I would be an interpeter (LOL). That put me in a casual company for over a week waiting for someone to interview all of us that would be going to the school. Out of 15 of us, he only took 2 for the school. I was not one of them so over to a company that was starting Staging. Three weeks later I was in Viet nam and put with Mike 3/5 Marines.

I didn't see Bruce after we came back off leave and only found out he was killed when I started looking for guys I was with a year ago. I have talked with a Marine who was there when Bruce was killed. He goes to the reunion every year for Marines from 3/5, which I plan on attending this next May.


From a fellow Marine,
Larry Searight

04 Dec 2005

Oorah, Semper Fi

From a fellow Marine,
Cpl David M. Neal

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