Lonnie Edward Parker
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Success, Arkansas
January 01, 1947 to March 13, 1967
LONNIE E PARKER is on the Wall at Panel 16E, Line 73
See the full profile or name rubbing for Lonnie Parker


27 Apr 2005

It has been 38 years since we last saw each other. I was with you when you died on March 13, 1967. You have been in my thoughts and prayers over the years that seem to sometimes pass slowly and then looking back they have passed very quickly. You were and still remain, in my mind, the consumate soldier: responsible, dedicated, trustworthy and honorable.

I have been to the Wall and honored you and have recently tried to find where you are buried to honor your memory in person, but have been unsuccessful. If any of your family want to contact me, please do not hestitate to do so.

We will meet again my friend. Until then and always rest in peace.

High Noon 36

25 Dec 2005

The family of
Lonnie Edward Parker
remembers him with unfailing love,
and unwavering pride.

To all who have served our country
with such commitment,
you have our eternal gratitude.

We would love to hear from anyone who remembers Lonnie.
Please e-mail us.
Thank you and God Bless You All

From a niece,
Kathy Parker Woodward

31 Dec 2005

In Memory of Lonnie Edward Parker who told us before leaving for Vietnam, "I'm doing this for the kids." Although he had none of his own, his memory has been shared with his nieces and one nephew. Those who were born before he left for Vietnam, he dearly loved. Those who were born after he was killed have been taught to honor and cherish his memory.

From his sister-in-law and friend,
Rebecca J. Parker
249 Morgan Road, Rose Bud, Ar 72137

ONE OF 58,000

It was spring when we went to the Wall
and made a tracing of your name.
So strange that these symbols remain
while the one who gave them significance
is now for such a long time gone
and just a memory which will remain
only until those of us who remember
become memories...

Maybe someone, sometime will come to the Wall
and choose your name from all the others
inscribed there who were killed in Vietnam
and wonder who you were
and who you loved
and how you felt at the moment the bullet found you
and will for a moment resurrect
a whisper of your memory...

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