Jose Anthony Pacheco
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Los Angeles, California
October 07, 1943 to April 13, 1966
JOSE A PACHECO is on the Wall at Panel 6E, Line 111
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jose Pacheco

Combat Action Ribbon

20 Aug 2007


After 40 years you are still thought of and missed.

I lived one block away from Jose, we went to Roosevelt high school together, played in the school band together, and just enjoyed life together.

I was in boot camp when I heard of his death, and to this day I still remember that moment.

I pass by your house once in a while, and I still see you sitting on your porch, so your sprit still lives on, Jose. God speed, go Roughriders.

Your friend,

Carlos X. Esqueda


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines Command Chronology for April 1966 contains the following two entries in the summary for 13 April:
"At 131708H [5:08 PM], Co I Platoon (AT977608) received 60 rounds small arms fire from estimated 4-5 VC (AT980599). One USMC KIA. One USMC WIA, med evac. Returned 500 rounds small arms fire, 31 rounds 81mm [mortar], and 36 rounds 105mm [recoilless rifle]. VC casualties unknown."

"At 131856H [6:56 PM], Co I Platoon (AT979601) gathered for briefing on night's activities. Member detonated M165-3 antipersonnel mine. One USMC KIA, 13 USMC WIA (11 medevac)."

The Marine killed in the 1708H incident was LCpl Jose A. Pacheco of Los Angeles, CA. The mine detonation at 1856H resulted in three deaths - one immediate, one later on the 13th, and one Marine died of wounds the following day. They were
  • Sgt Molimau A. Tela, San Pedro, CA;
  • Sgt Robert L. Vaden, Denver, CO (DoW 04/14/1966); and
  • LCpl Alexander J. McGlothlin, New Haven, CT.

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