James Elton O'Neal
Army of the United States
Millington, Tennessee
November 22, 1942 to November 24, 1967
JAMES E O'NEAL is on the Wall at Panel 30E, Line 80
See the full profile or name rubbing for James O'Neal



James Elton O'Neal

Army of the United States
22 November 1942 - 24 November 1967
Millington, Tennessee
Panel 30E Line 080

25 May 2006

James, it is hard to say what I feel any more for time and counseling have taken away a great deal of memory except when I dwell on past events for a while. I am saddened for you and all the others who gave your lives for the freedom of some who don't appreciate what we did or what the troops are doing now. Sometimes I think that you are the lucky ones and we are the more misfortunate to live with what was left behind. I live from day to day and pray to God that He has an arm around both of us so that we might meet again someday.

Rest your soul, Cricket, you will hear from me again. Play your music for all of Heaven to enjoy.

Your best friend,

27 May 2007

I still say to this day that there is not a finer guitar player and friend in Nashville than my fallen, fellow musician, James (Cricket) O'Neal. It would have been interesting and exciting to watch our lives unfold and grow into musical personalities the way that we had talked about. I'm still writing songs for the both of us and will until I leave this world.

God called Cricket for a far more glorious cause than music, it had to be made through the ultimate sacrifice. He gave his life for American Freedom. James, if the American people today are without honor and character in their lives, they are no better off than living in a third world country.

You are still my hero,

26 May 2008

Today I honor you again for your sacrifice and your love of Country and Freedom. It still seems that I did not give enough but that is in my own mind and I will have to deal with it. I will always remember you and the fun and love of music and I will never quit trying to fulfill our dreams. That I promise you.

You are honored on every day of the year! Rest your soul oh brave one and peace be with you.

Your friend and comrade, Jim.

From a friend,
Jim Street


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry, lost six men on 24 November 1967:
  • A Company:
    • SGT Andrew J. Miller, Sheboygan, WI
    • SGT Matthew F. Sharpnack, Williamsport, PA
    • CPL Richard L. Sanders, Los Angeles, CA (medic, HHC with A/2/39) (Silver Star)

  • E Company:
    • SGT James E. O'Neal, Millington, TN
    • SGT Ramon H. Torres, Aransas Pass, TX
    • PFC William C. Smith, Bessemer, AL

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