John Thomas Odom
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Alexander City, Alabama
August 14, 1946 to February 18, 1967
JOHN T ODOM is on the Wall at Panel 15E, Line 59
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Odom

John T Odom
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10 Jan 2005

I have been researching the young men from our small Alabama town who were killed in Vietnam. During that time I have found out what a really great group of young men they are. I will just say that Tommy Odom is an example of the quality of the young men raised by this community.

Awarded: Silver Star

"For Gallantry in Action: PFC Tommy Odom, HHC, 1/327th, 101st ABN, was accompanying a team from the reconnaissance platoon on a patrol in the vicinity of Phan Thiet, RVN. While his unit was moving down the trail, a mine was command detonated. PFC Odom, the radio telephone operator, was mortally wounded along with two men who were seriously wounded. Immediately after the detonation of the mine, Viet Cong snipers began firing intensely on the two remaining members of the squad. PFC Odom realized that if the snipers continued to keep the two men pinned down the entire squad would be annihilated. Even though mortally wounded and in extreme pain he began placing effective suppressive fire on the enemy, giving the two pinned down men the cover fire they needed to maneuver on the insurgents. Sustaining his fire, he radioed to another element for assistance. PFC Odom was solely responsible for saving the patrol from annihilation. His unimpeachable valor in close combat is in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and cast great credit on himself, his unit, and the United States Army."

From a researcher,
Mark Sullivan

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