Glenn Edward Nowakowski
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Oak Creek, Wisconsin
July 06, 1951 to July 22, 1972
GLENN E NOWAKOWSKI is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 58
See the full profile or name rubbing for Glenn Nowakowski


06 Jan 2003

Glenn ...
Please know that your brothers of the 129th AHC think of you often. They remember you as a young WO, unlike the way they all look now (smile). They also remember that you and Lee Billingsly were the last of the 129th to die in Viet Nam. You died several months after a friend of mine was killed in action (Tom Shaw, 4/27/72). They remember all of you and know you are all having a good time together up there. We pray you meet us at the Gate when our day comes. Walk with God.

02 May 2005

Glenn, this weekend I was blessed to meet your very large and wonderful family. A 129th brother of yours, Ron Paye, Cobra Pilot Vietnam, presented your family with some personal items the 129th AHC family wanted them to have: a 129th flag, a special hand-painted stone from Robbie Robinson, 129th pins for all of them from Rick England, and a 129th hat for your mother. They were presented to them as part of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War that we held in Milwaukee. Ron read quotes from some of the "guys" you served with to your family and shared with everyone in attendence the gentleness and generosity of your personality. The quotes from your 129th friends who served with you soldily confirm that you were a wonderful and very giving young man: the one that affected me the most was that you would volunteer for flights so that married men would not have to go on them. It would have been a pleasure to know someone as generous and as kind as you. You were obviously loved by your friends as well as your family.

From a 129th AHC supporter,
Judith Singer


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two men of the 129th Assault Helicopter Company died when their AH-1G Cobra (tail number 66-15304) was shot down:
They are remembered on the
129th AHC site

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