Gordon Joseph Norman
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Somerville, Massachusetts
July 06, 1945 to December 03, 1969
GORDON J NORMAN is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Gordon Norman


05 Jan 2004

PFC Gordon J. Norman was a member of B Battery, 2/13th Arty. In December 1969 B Battery was stationed at Fire Support Base Jerri near Bu Dop in War Zone C. I was Executive Officer of A Battery at this time, and was not acquainted with PFC Norman. The facts in this memorial are found in the December 1969 edition of "Dragon Chatter", the official newsletter published by 2nd Battalion 13th Artillery.

"What was originally rumored to be a short operation at FSB Jerri developed into a Task Force size operation, and was commanded by Major Sears, Battalion Executive Officer.

"The position continued to receive incoming rounds on a daily basis resulting in several minor injuries and one fatality. Killed in action 3 December 1969 was PFC Gordon J. 'Norm' Norman, 24, of Somerville, Massachusetts. Norm had been in country 8 months and had performed admirably as a member of the Fire Direction Center. Everyone was deeply grieved and saddened by his death."

In addition to PFC Norman, several other members of 2nd Battalion 13th Artillery died at either FSB Jerri or Bu Dop on this Task Force operation. PFC Charles E. Fulks was a casualty of small arms fire at FSB Jerri on 7 December 1969. SSG Edward Neal died at Bu Dop from mortar fire on 2 December 1969. SSG Reginald W. Plummer died from wounds clearing unexploded ordnance at Bu Dop on 9 December 1969.

Rest in Peace, PFC Norman. You are remembered by the Red Dragon Clan.

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