Wayne Ellsworth Newberry
United States Air Force
East St Louis, Illinois
December 16, 1938 to September 29, 1968
WAYNE E NEWBERRY is on the Wall at Panel W42, Line 42
See the full profile or name rubbing for Wayne Newberry


24 Feb 2004

Wayne E. Newberry II was a son, a husband, and a father. He was a brother to me. He took me roller skating, riding in a blue and white 56 Chevy convertible. He looked out for me. He spoke kindly and spoke with encouragement. However, we didn't see each other that much.You see, he and I had the same dad but different mothers. When he was in the Air Force Academy, he wrote and wrote often. Upon graduation he married a wonderful girl, moved to Lubock where he instructed flight. He volunteered for Vietnam and was shipped over late August or early September, 1968. He was shot down September 29th, 1968. Although we didn't see each other that much, he meant a lot to me. I would like to hear from anyone that knew him.

Gary W. Newberry

20 Oct 2005

As of today, October 20, 2005, I have received information that Wayne's crash site will be excavated very soon. The Air Force is calling for any maternal relatives to come forward for comparative DNA samples. Please contact me at the email site listed.

From his brother,
Gary W. Newberry
1619-6th Street SE, Winter Haven, Florida 33880


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Captain Newberry was one in a flight of Skyraiders launched from Pleiku Air Base in response to a request for air strikes on North Vietnamese troops in southern Laos, about 20 miles west of Kham Duc. He was flying A-1H tail number 52-135305.

Newberry's aircraft was hit by enemy fire during his second strafing run, which was conducted at low altitude due to poor weather. The Forward Air Controller and Newberry's squadronmates did not see Newberry leave his aircraft before it crashed and were unable to establish emergency radio communications with him after the crash. Search and rescue efforts were fruitless.

Because all evidence indicated Captain Newberry died in the crash he was classed as Killed in Action/Body not Recovered. As of 24 Feb 2004 his remains have not been repatriated.

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