Ronald M. Neuman
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Stowe, Pennsylvania
June 17, 1943 to March 25, 1966
RONALD M NEUMAN is on the Wall at Panel 6E, Line 49
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronald Neuman

Ronald M Neuman
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3 Jun 2003

Ronald Neuman was with B Troop 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. When we all deployed to Vietnam and went to Cu Chi 25 miles NW of Saigon, in III Corps, Ron was the driver of an M-113 armored personnel carrier. Shortly after arriving in Vietnam at Cu Chi, the unit was establishing a perimeter and Ron was sent out to the wire on guard duty. A storm rolled in, so loud and violent we thought we were coming under attack. Lighting struck Ron as he was setting a claymore mine, in the head and the waist as he was doing this a puddle of water. A medic kept him alive for fifteen or twenty minutes, but he never had a chance.

For years Ron's cousin Sandy Miller was searching for anyone that might have known Ron. Then at a Vietnam Veterans of America convention one year she ran into Bobby Sawyers who was also on the same track with Ron. After Ron was killed Bobby became the new driver of the M-113 and he soon would run into his own awful moment - Bobby Sawyers drove over a 500-pound mine. The explosion blew off his legs. Sandy also served in the Military in the Navy and is also a member of VVA and this is how she finally met us that served with Ron in Hawaii and Vietnam. I was 50 yards away from Ron when this accident happend back in 1966.

Sandy Miller, Bobby Sawyer, and I have all talked as to what happened to Ron that terrible day. I have sent Sandy a VHS tape of the area we were in at Cu Chi so she could share with Ron's family where he was at and the location of the accident. This tape was made by another Vietnam Veteran from our Unit, M/Sgt Ivan Crandall, from 8 mm tape he took in Vietnam back in 1965-1966.

The family has found a lot of peace knowing what happened and where it happened and how it happened. Rest in Peace Ron - God Bless - We'll never forget you.

Roger A. McGill

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