Thomas Wayne Musick
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Orange, Texas
February 25, 1947 to August 16, 1968
THOMAS W MUSICK is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Musick

Combat Action Ribbon

19 Jun 2007

I was with Musick on August 16th, 1968. Our company made a helicopter assault on a ridge that I believe to have been north of Cam Lo. On our first attempt to land we received ground fire, so we veered off and prepped the area with airstrikes.

On our second attempt we landed on the ridge. The first chopper offloaded and we started setting up a perimeter. The second chopper came in and while in the process of offloading the troops, we came under mortar attack. As more troops came in the mortar fire became more intense. It seemed as if everyone on that hill got a Purple Heart that day. Musick was a Marine who was always willing to lend a hand, he came by my position carrying a wounded Marine, trying to help him to the Medevac area, as always lending a hand. He sacrificed himself trying to help a wounded fellow Marine. His sacrifice and unselfishness should not be forgotten.

From a fellow Marine,
Richard Dean Todd


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 16 August 1968 elements of the 1/3 Marines conducted an air assault onto a ridgeline 7 kilometers northwest of Cam Lo. NVA forces had the landing zone targeted and hit the Marines with an estimated 100 rounds of 60mm mortar fire, killing 4 Marines and seriously wounding 62 others. The four dead were

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