Harry Walter Murray
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Baltimore, Maryland
December 14, 1946 to December 07, 1966
HARRY W MURRAY is on the Wall at Panel 13E, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harry Murray


October 3, 2002

My Dearest Walter,

You were my friend growning up, but as I grow older without you, I also realized you were the love of my life. We sat out on the steps of my house on the street we grew up on, Audrey Avenue, Baltimore, MD, until 4:00am talking and laughing the night before you were to leave to report back to duty. We know you were still in training as you left for Nam, little did we know the lack of training would be the end of your life. We wrote and wrote, thinking we would see each other in a year or less. You were so upset that you could not be home for my senior prom.

A knock came on my family's front door. Standing on the porch were men in military uniforms (at that point they still came in person, later in the war, you received a letter). I believe the date was Dec 10, 1966. They asked my dad to step out side and then he cried. They asked my mom to accompany them to break the news to you mom and sister, Lori (Laurie), of your death. Your mom broke down on the floor.

The next day in school was our senior Christmas concert, I cried instead of singing. We had flash lights for "Oh Holy Night", my light shined to you, my friend who I know I would never share another minute with.

I wish we could have had the chance to tell each other we loved one another. You did tell me, but at the time I didn't realize how I felt, not until later. Walter, I loved you and wish I could have one moment in time to tell you.

I lost all your letters and pictures in a move I had a few years ago, but I will never lose the feelings I still carry for you.

We had such fun as kids. You were so dedicated to Germany when you first became my friend. You would always play war games, pretending to fight America. God, you took my Friend, My Love, as he fought for America.

My sister Diana and I talked about you from time to time over the years. She still laughs about beating you up. hahahahahaha... But she cared a great deal too ...

Harry Walter Murray, I did and still do love you with all my heart....

Janice Frances Palmer Gately
Formerly of 4202 Audrey Avenue Baltimore, MD 21225

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