John Francis Murphy
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Wenatchee, Washington
December 14, 1928 to July 29, 1969
JOHN F MURPHY is on the Wall at Panel W20, Line 73
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Murphy

John F Murphy
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Murph, as he was referred to, was killed in action on July 29, 1969 near Tra Cu in military zone III. While out on patrol with James Amendola, John (Bac Si) Whisenant, and other team members, the patrol encountered a large NVA force infiltrating through the A-team's area of operations.

Caught in a cross fire from a superior enemy force, Murph directed air support and the insertion of additional friendly units until mortal wounds finally overcame him.

He was on the radio for several hours coordinating and directing operations even though severly wounded in the leg. Several of us could hear him but were powerless to assist until it was too late. He was a kind person that quietly performed his work in a highly professional manner.

His fellow team members miss his humor, perspective, and company.

David F. Siciliano
At the time I was the executive officer of the A-team (1LT).

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