William Mathias Mooers
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Los Angeles, California
August 23, 1949 to January 22, 1969
WILLIAM M MOOERS is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Mooers

Combat Action Ribbon

20 Dec 2004

My Cousin Billy -- my big buddy. Strong, handsome and always dependable for a piggy-back ride and lots of fun! You are still so terribly missed even after all these years. I love you, Billy, and I'll c-ya again someday in Heaven!

From his cousin and little buddy,


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 22 Jan 1969 an engineer team from C Company, 1st Engineer Battalion was conducting mine sweeping operations along Highway 540 about 8 kilometers south-southwest of Danang. H&S Company, 1/7 Marines provided the engineers with an infantry security force. An ambush on the sweep team developed into a short but vicious firefight which resulted in the deaths of five Marines and one Navy Corpsman:
  • C Co, 1st Eng Bn
    • Cpl John F. Weaver, Kansas City, MO
    • LCpl Johnny S. Holt, Charlotte, NC
    • LCpl Kenneth W. Mokuau, Wenonah, NJ

  • H&S Co, 1st Bn, 7th Marines
    • LCpl William M. Mooers, Los Angeles, CA
    • LCpl Aubra E. Morgan, Arlington, TX
    • HN Joseph A. Wilk, Newport News, VA

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