Alex Louis Mitchell
Army of the United States
Nashville, Tennessee
March 19, 1946 to October 05, 1968
ALEX L MITCHELL is on the Wall at Panel W41, Line 12
See the full profile or name rubbing for Alex Mitchell

Alex L Mitchell
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12 Feb 2002

Mitch, sorry for not doing this sooner for you.

No excuses for that, except as your friend I guess I never
got over seeing you die in front of my eyes. You were a big man
with a big heart. I'm proud to have been your friend and sorry to have lost you.
You are missed.

A memorial from a friend,
Ed Duffey

17 Mar 2004

Just thought I'd stop by and let you know, Mitch, that it's coming on time where we first met at Holloway and became friends ... too bad the friendship stopped so short. You are still missed, even 36 years later. Bob Bundy passed away last January, not sure if you knew him, guess the ole 179th is starting to form up again...

From a friend,
Ed Duffey
Rose City, Michigan

30 May 2003

I grew up with "Chick" Mitchell as we knew him in the 2nd and 3rd grade at Howard High School in Nashville, Tennessee. When I returned to Nashville from Vietnam (2nd Bn, 1st Marines) and learned that he had been killed, I called his Mom and she held her breath saying "I thought, hoped, you were about to tell me, after all these years" that there had been a mistake and Chick was coming home!

Loved the Guy!

Dan Alexander
Nashville, Attorney
2016 8th Av So, Nashville, Tenn 37204

26 Apr 2005

Dear "Chick":

We didn't get to be friends that long before you were called to serve but you and Bert were the best of friends. The last time I talked with you, you and Bert went into your "They're putting pink elephants in Post Crispy Critters" and "Gee Ossifer, we were only joking around." and of course, "Do you like Kippling? ... I don't know, I've never kippled." The youngest son is a West Point junior and 3-year football player and will almost definitely be deployed to either Iraq or Afganistan or to some other country of unrest. Watch over him, Chick, and know that you are sorely missed by all of your friends ... especially Bert.

From a friend,
Becki Calvert

25 May 2007


This weekend is the 2007 Memorial Day weekend and my thoughts, as they often do, go out to you. I can't believe you've been gone almost 39 years - I still miss you like it was yesterday.

You keep them laughing up there, big guy!!!

I love you, man!!!


Bert Calvert
E-mail address is not available.

15 Aug 2007

Chick, I will always miss you. We were at Glencliff together and played in the "Nugent Bowl" on the football field during the holidays. You always called me "Two Pockets" as my dress shirts always had two pockets and most everyone else only had one pocket. I was sorry to hear of your death in Viet Nam. I found out after I returned from "Nam" myself. You will always be missed.

Ken Sweeney

Albert K. Sweeney


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 05 October 1968 a CH-47A CHINOOK (hull number 66-19067) of the 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company crashed, killing two and injuring three crewmembers:
  • WO2 C A Riggs, aircraft commander, injured
  • WO2 T E Lawrence, pilot, injured
  • CPL Alex L Mitchell, gunner, killed
  • SP4 David W Wilson, flight engineer, killed
  • SP4 S A Smith, crew chief, injured
Witnesses and the Accident Board's findings reconstructed the accident. At 1300 hours the CH-47A started up and taxied out to the active runway 230. The crew went through their pre-takeoff and takeoff checks and prepared to depart. The aircraft was told to hold for traffic and then cleared to go. The Chinook started its takeoff getting about 40 to 60 feet of altitude and about 20 knots forward speed, heading 230 degrees, when the nose suddenly swung up and to the left as the tail went down and to the right. Simultaneously the entire aft pylon tore loose, going up, forward, and to the left. The front and aft rotor blades intermeshed, the aft green blade striking into the fuselage just aft of the front pylon, severing that portion of the fuselage from point of impact forward and striking PFC Mitchell, the left door gunner, as it arced through the fuselage. Fuel, oil and electrical lines running to the engines were ruptured causing fire to erupt around the number 2 (left) engine first and then both engines. The aircraft fell tail low striking the active runway and inverting. The aft pylon impacted and came to rest 64 feet from the main mass of the aircraft. The forward section (severed by the aft green blade strike) came to rest 19 feet from the main mass. The main mass of the aircraft (from just aft of the front pylon back, minus the aft pylon) burned. The bodies of SP4 Wilson and PFC Mitchell were thrown out of the aircraft when the forward section severed. The aircraft had flown 2 hours, 45 min. that morning with no discrepancy noted in flight.

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