Eric Paul Mistretta
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Metairie, Louisiana
February 08, 1950 to August 28, 1970
ERIC P MISTRETTA is on the Wall at Panel W7, Line 19
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eric Mistretta

Eric P Mistretta
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25 Apr 2001

He was known as Spike to most of the guys in the platoon. Like the rest of us, he was a boy put in a place where men shouldn't have had to be. But like the rest of us, he did what he was told and didn't ask questions.

He was taken from us in an ambush while trying to get to a downed helicopter. I remember him being one of the first to volunteer for the mission. But his selflessness was just one of his many admirable traits. He was the type person that everyone liked to hang out with.

It has been 30 years since he left us. But, I still think about him, and how fortunate I was to have gotten to know him. I try not to dwell on the bad times. I would much rather remember all of the fun times we had. I remember one time just days before it happened, he had gotten a care package from his folks. It had some Jiffy-Pop pop corn in it. We stayed in his bunker until two or three in the morning eating pop corn and swapping stories about home.

Spike, I think I speak for everyone who was fortunate enough to have known you, when I say that we love you, brother, and we miss you so very much.


From a friend,
Jim Pitts


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 28 August 1970 UH-1H tail number 69-15025 from D Troop 1/10 Cavalry was shot down during a troop insertion. Five men died in the crash, and another died of gunshot as troopers from C Troop 1/10 moved to secure the crash site. The six dead were
  • C Troop, 1/10
    • SP4 Eric P. Mistretta, Metairie, LA

  • D Troop, 1/10 (aboard 69-15025)
    • SSG Thomas H. Messer, Springfield, VA (passenger)
    • SGT Raymond L. Hodges, Lawton, OK (passenger)
    • SGT Nick E. Sanchez, Chama, CO (passenger)
    • SP4 Joe Luna, Azusa, CA (passenger)
    • CPL Donald R. Smith, Universal City, TX (door gunner)

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