Wayne Terry Miller
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Memphis, Tennessee
April 20, 1942 to March 19, 1967
WAYNE T MILLER is on the Wall at Panel 16E, Line 113
See the full profile or name rubbing for Wayne Miller

Combat Action Ribbon
Wayne T Miller
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 5thmarines2.gif

26 Jan 2007

Wayne and I were best friends in high school.
We got out of Memphis Tech High School in May 1960.
We worked together at Memphis Seating Company til the Fall.
He joined the Air Force in January 1961 and I did the next month.
We saw each other in April at Lackland AFB.
I next saw him after we were both out of the Air Force in 1965.
I never saw him again but we kept in touch even though he wasn't much for writing.
Then the terrible news in March, 1967.
I had sent him a box of socks in February after he wrote asking for some.
The box came back in April, 1967, marked "deceased, left no forwarding address."
I attended his funeral in Memphis which was one of the saddest days of my life!

From his high school best friend,
Bill Lamkins

Left, Wayne and I at Lackland AFB, 1961.
Right, Wayne at Shaw AFB, 1962.
The photo at the top of the page is from 1960.

Visit my
personal memorial page


A Note from The Virtual Wall

From the 2nd Bn, 5th Marines Chronology for March 1967:
"At 181140H [11:40 am, 18 March] the point Marine of a Co G Platoon combat patrol activated a Bouncing Betty (dud). Dud was blown in place. A second Bouncing Betty was detonated by a Marine in the middle of the column resulting in 2 USMC WIA (evac). Evac was completed at 181225H."

Pfc. Wayne Miller is 61st Shelby Countian To Die In Vietnam War
by K. W. Cook

A young Memphis Marine who "just felt better in the service" was fatally wounded by a mortar explosion on his 40th day of combat in Vietnam.

Pfc. Wayne T. Miller, 24, of 245 South Watkins, died Sunday of the wounds in a DaNang hospital and became 61st war casualty from Shelby County.

He wrote to his mother, Mrs. Elinor Hoffman Miller Barrow, last week that he had "rather be outside the perimeter fighting. You can kill more Viet Cong out in the hills and forests."

It was out in the hills and forests that a mortar exploded near him Saturday, inflicting wounds. He died the next day.

Private Miller enlisted in the Marines last December in California where he had been working about a year. Before going to California, he had served four years in the Air Force and attended Memphis State University after his release from active duty.

"He didn't have the money to finish college and he went into the Marines because he just felt better in service," said his brother, Gary Miller of the South Watkins address.

Private Miller was graduated from Memphis Tech High in 1960. He delivered newspapers while in high school, was manager of Tech's basketball team and took part in tryouts for the Golden Gloves tournament in 1959.

He leaves two other brothers, Arthur E. Miller, Jr., of Memphis and Bruce Miller of 1640 York; a sister, Mrs. Sandra Johnson of El Sobrante, Calif.; and his father, Arthur E. Miller of 1640 York.

Arrangements are incomplete.

Memphis COMMERCIAL APPEAL March, 1967
Taken from Mr. Lamkins' memorial page.

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